Creating a website without learning html…..
August 1st, 2016
How does one create a website without knowing HTML? Unless you make a bunch of pics in photoshop lolz Its beyond just knowing HTML, you gotta know CSS and use some photoshop for images. Its not hard to do it, what i find to be most difficult is to know what site will look like. Coming up with an attractive design can be challenging. There is Dreamweaver which does most of coding for you but even so you would want to edit some of the code manually.
Dreamweaver is very simple, or so I’ve heard.
Dreamweaver or editing templates in DW.
This is pathetic. You WILL not be able to make any website without knowledge of HTML let a lone CSS.
Don’t be lazy.
you kinda have to learn SOME html..i forget it all myself..
You could use a content management system like Drupal
Learning the nececarry HTML for Druoal won’t take more than 2-3 days tops
You need to know html to make a basic basic website, It took me about 5 minutes to get all of the useful functions of html down and memorized.
Flash, Dreamweaver, btw it takes only 10 minuted toi know the important functions of HTML. Those are needed
You can also upload readymade scripts to make your website
i dont think so you have to learn at least basic html first to create a website
try microsoft’s expression web
Flash, however it is more complicated than html. but it looks coolier
use joomla, acts as website manager, is free, and allows you to just enter what you want into the template already supplied.
u mean u want to make website to earn money by doing nothing????
dreamweaver its so easy!
html isn’t that hard…
css is alittle more challenging but still not that hard..
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use templates
frontpage for very basic stuff