Copy/merge partition

January 28th, 2020

My laptop was running XP and I wanted to try out Vista so I installed Vista in on a partition and kept XP intact.
I have decided to keep Vista but want all my files and programs that are in the XP partition. Basically I want everything from it except the OS.
What is the best way to go about this?
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
Which partition do you have XP in…The primary or the second partition?
Answer #2
I guess it’s just copying all folders except the windows folder?
Answer #3
primary partition
Answer #4
Can’t be done…As vista bootloader is stored in the primary partition…You can delete XP and edit the boot menu and remox XP from the menu using VistaBootPRO…
Answer #5
Arite thanks anyway. I might just copy everything over from XP partition to the Vista one then delete the XP partition. Gonna take a while lol!
Answer #6
If you delete the XP partition you Vista won’t boot anymore…


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