Can I sync my folders .. ?

January 20th, 2020

Hey guys,
I was wondering if I could sync my folders, files at my school with the computer here at home. There are some things you may need to be aware of.
1: The pc@school is on a server. (I have to login with username and password)
2: There is always 1/2 offline. When I’m home, I’m not logged in at school of course, so my useraccount is offline. Tho, my files are kept on the server (I guess) which remains online at all time.
Can I sync my folders at school with folders at home? I want back and forward synchronizing. I was thinking about Google Docs, but that isn’t an automatic sync system, right?
Thanks in advance

Answer #1
Try with windows live mesh if you can install it, it’s quite easy for use.
Answer #2
By default settings,Since Windows NT all partitions
have a secret share that can be accessed only with the administrator
account,These are named partition$ like C$ D$ and such,So if you do
have the administrator password you could add a network share
and use a backup software to sync from that share to your HDD.
You’d have to add it as \\IP\SHARE. If you don’t have the admin
password and your connecting via Remote Desktop then you’ll
have to install a backup software on the school PC,Has to be
one that supports FTP,You’ll also need to setup an FTP server
on your PC for it to connect to,This can be done with Filezilla Server.
If you have a router,firewall or both you’ll need to configure em
accordingly so the school PC will be able to connect.
Answer #3
Not sure but use some online backup?


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