burn and copy xbox 360

August 7th, 2016

can some one please give a detailed instructions to copy and burn xbox 360 games the easiest way possible i understand from my knowledge so far that you can use a .iso file and stealth which are simple to find. and patch it with abgx.360 i dont understand how to burn it or how to “flash your xbox with out physicall opening it up do i need a special dvd burner ? apparenlty imgburn software works but you need a dual layer cd ? but some ppl are saying you can compress it with magiciso . no clue here. can some one please help post a link or anything that will give a step by step process so there are a gazillion posts of the same thing that leave unanswered questions it would be greatly appreciated by alot of people thanks-
Answer #1
Moving to the Helpdesk section.
Answer #2
To backup a retail game, there are 3 methods:
Samsung Kreon modified drives. Wxripper swap method.
0800 firmware for Xbox 360 drives.
To duplicate a already backuped game, just use any dvd reader or writer and make a image using imgburn, stealth will remain.
To insert stealth, just use ABGX, it does it automatically.
Burning a game is simple. Once it passes ABGX’s stealth checks, burn the .dvd file with imgburn and play.


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