Anyway to talk with another PCs on network?

September 26th, 2013

I’m sharing a network with some people… there is always someone downloading,
I’m looking for something to tell him “STOP DOWNLOADING”…
I mean chatting with computers which are shown in (NETWORK) besides (MY COMPUTER)
I don’t prefer applications that should be installed on every pc

Answer #1
Without a server/domain you’re not going to be able to make another computer do something without preinstalled software. Older systems allowed msg but that’s pretty well blocked now.
Answer #2
Use at your own risk:
Source: Google.
Answer #3
I don’t want to control their PCs…
I just want to display a message on theirs
That link: isn’t it has a (sending comment) option?
Answer #4
I didn’t say taking control, I said “make another computer do something without preinstalled software”. Displaying a message is making the computer do something. Note that the link posted above will require administrator credentials as well as having lax firewall rules to allow for a remote shutdown (or any remote command for that matter) to work.
Answer #5
It’s became too complicated, man
In a simple way… is it possible or not?
Answer #6
If you could get them to use the net by sharing from your computer, or there are some firewalls that you can use as routers that would help.
Its hard to answer without knowing all the details
Answer #7
That means it depends on giving me permit to send messages to their pc…
Answer #8
In a simple way, no, at least not with your typical home network setup. There are prerequisites to performing any action on another computer, be it preinstalled software, allowed firewall ports, domain, etc, that your network most likely does not meet.
Answer #9
without knowing all of the story here,
your best bet, is to contact the network administrator.
that person, will know who it is and will be able to take the apropriate action.
so to answer your question, if that link above is getting too complicated for you, then ‘no’, there is no way to do what your asking
Answer #10
I understood…
Thank you guys


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