A question conserning wireless routers

August 6th, 2016

I got a private house with 3 floors.
I need to somehow make a wireless network connecting between a room in the 3rd floor (where the router is planed to be) and the 1st floor.
are there any routers that can transmit in such a distance? (the distance is about 30-40m)
I know that there are routers with 1 antenna, 2 antennas and even 3.
Can the wireless routers cause any health issues? (and if also, do more antennas means a greater health damage?)
Anyway, if it is possible to do so, what kind of router do I need to get? (meaning, how many antennas the router should have?) also, do the signal quality has a influence on the internet speed?
Thank you!

Answer #1
Yep, most of the modem/router will do the job.
However the signal might get weak, so you’d better put the router on the 2nd floor this way the signal will have the same strenght for both floors.
Answer #2
The cheapest way would be to acquire a Omnidirectional Antenna.
For a 30/40m indoor, I would recommend a +5dbi gain antenna. It also would help (a lot) if could place the router\antenna centered (I mean on the 2nd floor, on the center of the floor).
There are another ways to do what you intend, but they could turn to be a bit more expensive.
If you have the ability of passing a cable from the 3rd floor (router) to the 2nd and 1st floor, you may acquire two Access Points and place the router on the first floor, the first Access Point on the second floor and the third Access Point on the first floor.
It really depends. You may also pass a cable from the router to the first floor and only have an Access Point there (if you see that the 2nd floors gets covered by the router).
The third alternative would be to acquire one\two wireless repeaters.
But, then again for an home environment a good antenna should be sufficient (and you should really try to put the router centered on the 2nd floor).
Answer #3
, I cannot place the router on the second floor.
I have a LAN point on the first floor where one computer is already connected through a cable.
What I tried to do is to connect to that point another router (which is wireless), and connect the second computer which on the first floor (HTPC) with no cables – wireless.
I connected the regular computer via cable to the second router (which is located on the first floor) and it worked fine, but I couldn’t seem to connect to the network on the HTPC. (Windows showed me that he located the network, but I couldn’t connect to it.)


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