Help on windows XP

August 7th, 2016

i have always been trying to find out how/why this happens ever since i made my PC. whenever i install windows XP SP2, it would always freeze when the windows loading screen comes up. is it a hardware issue or a software issue? any clues?
help would be appreciated =)

Answer #1
This should be posted in the helpdesk
My brothers pc had the same problem
after everything a service center noticed the motherboard was defect..
And the pc was full of dust..
Answer #2
oops didnt see that section, could you help me move it please ^^
Answer #3
oops didnt see that section, could you help me move it please ^^
i’ve reported this thread so a mod will come and it will be moved
Answer #4
thankies ^^
Answer #5
The pc might be dirty or something. Try contacting a dell helper.
Answer #6
Here’s a few tests you can do at home:
Step one: Check the disc, if it’s dirty or scratched clean it and try again, if not try on a different computer. If it works it’s your computer if it doesn’t it’s the CD –get a new one.
Step two: If it isn’t the disc let’s determine if it’s the hardware or software; what OS are you on at the moment, and how are you attempting to install? Right over the top or clean installation? If it’s over the top wipe the drive and try installing cleanly.
I’m assuming because it’s POSTing that it isn’t hardware; but it could be a fault HDD. Most likely software or CD though; check CD, if it doesn’t work format + install.
Answer #7
the software worked on my cousin’s cpu working for his windows XP SP2. im on SP1 only atm. yes i have tried on top reformat, clean format, everything.
Answer #8
My suggestion would be to get a new hard drive because yours sounds corrupted.
I can’t quite remeber but I know I had similar problems and the only way I could get a clean install was to purchase a new hd.
– Good Luck
Answer #9
Typically whenever I have had these type of problems it has been on older systems and when all else failed I would pull the CMOS battery to reset the BIOS (or use the jumper on the motherboard). I found that going into the the BIOS and selecting fail-safe settings would not do the trick.
Answer #10
@ true, my hard disk has been corrupted once and it even had the thing where the partitions “disappeared” from the list and were still there. thus i wipe my own hard drive. so its a hard drive problem?
Answer #11
@ true, my hard disk has been corrupted once and it even had the thing where the partitions "disappeared" from the list and were still there. thus i wipe my own hard drive. so its a hard drive problem?
Maybe, but you must first go to a service center.. because if it isnt the HD problem … then is that kinda messed up
So my advice is: go to a service center
Answer #12
On a known suspect bad drive I would run the Check Disk Utility.
Answer #13
@leecher, what is that utitlity and where is it
Answer #14
Answer #15
On a known suspect bad drive I would run the Check Disk Utility.
Yay, Run the checkdisk utility through Hiren’s Boot CD, after that format the system drive & do a clean Windows Setup on that drive!!! Regards,


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