Some Music File/ Tagging Questions

July 25th, 2016

Some stupid/ random questions about music/ tagging.
I have a ~love~ load of music now, because I hoard a lot, but I was wondering about some stuff, thought I’d put it out there.
– If I just rip a CD onto iTunes (I use Winamp, but my Cd drive is broken so using a mac to rip), at a high bitrate (AAC format), and then just move it onto whatever (drag and drop onto USb for instance), is this a super noob way to rip CD’s? Or is it fine?
– I usually wipe comments etc if they’re irrelevant, but sometimes it has codes for each song in the comments, eg:
000023E4 000026D3 00007514 00007C65 00000258 00015229 00008B25 00008A4F 0000746D 0000682F
But sometimes only for a few tracks, or one, or something weird. Often it’s just a series of blank spaces:
Is any of this ‘valuable’ information, from the rip, or is it just rubbish?
– Not expecting anybody to answer this, but, I listen to a lot of obscure grind etc, and a lot of it is splits. It’s a nightmare to tag/ put somewhere. If anybody has a good ‘filing system’ for all that crap, let me know your tips please!
– When I get music off a mac, there’s often a duplicate of every song that’s ‘hidden’, with an ._ in its name. Can I just delete these?
– Something I’ve forgotten
Note: Wasn’t sure if I should put this into the Music section, but here seemed better.

Answer #1
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Answer #2
moving it via usb isn’t really a noob way to move it, just more work for you. You could always just download from the comp with winamp on it and you wouldn’t have to move files around much. I’ve seen the comments you are referring to but I’ve never seen them to be of any use for anything. As for the splitting files I’m not really sure, I’ve just switched over to MediaMonkey from iTunes and it seems to keep things organized well and I always make sure to create a folder for each band that I’ve got and put the album name as part of the folder name which seems to help, but I’m not sure what you would do to tag them all individually, there are probably programs out there for that, you’ll have to look. Yes, just go ahead and delete the duplicate copies as this will help you with clean, clear organization of your files.
Btw, you were asking for help so this is certainly the right place for your questions. Hope I was able to help some
Answer #3
that’s a fine way to rip things, as long as you don’t mind AAC. you can remove that info in the tags, none of it is especially important.
for tagging splits, just put both artists under Album Artist. for sorting them, i just pick one or the other. i have lots of music but only a few split EPs so i don’t worry too much about it.
on my drive, i just sort by artist then album, it keeps things pretty simple. but in my player (foobar) i sort by a million different things, from style/genre to the country where the artist is from…
at the end of the day, it doesn’t much matter how you sort the files on your drive, as long as you have clean tags and a good music player.
Answer #4
Cool, thanks guys (:
I have my drive real tidy, with artist > (year)albums, but splits are giving me a headache. I guess there’s no way round it.
Edit: Foobar lets you tag stuff like Country too?
I might switch to something like that soon. Genre is ok, but more qould be nice.
Answer #5
yes, foobar lets you add any custom tags you like. i use country, type, style, and genre for better sorting. i also have a tag for live tracks and live albums, and a few others i can’t think of at the moment…
foobar has a learning curve, and it takes some minor scripting to get it set up just right, but it’s absolutely the best option of if you are serious about organizing a big collection. i have over 600gb of music, and it’s 100% perfectly organized!
and i know what you mean about splits. i tried forever to figure out the perfect way to tag them so they showed up in foobar the way i wanted them to. i finally gave up – as i said, i only have a few anyway…

here’s an older screenshot of my config. it’s a bit different now. the flag and codec images on the right are displayed based upon the currently playing file
Answer #6
Ohhh nice, will definitely check it out.
I have Winamp set up quite nicely, but a bit more control is always good. Plus, ooh, freeware…
Damn, 600gb… Must be nice. FLAC/similar I’m guessing right?
I have 150gb+ of pretty bad quality stuff. It’s all sorted now, tagged etc, which is why I’m starting to wonder about the smaller stuff. Procrastination is awesome.
Answer #7
yeah, my collection is about 85% flac. the rest i just haven’t found in flac yet


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