Iphone RIngtone and Sms Appilcation

August 3rd, 2016

I have Just Unlocked My 3.1.3 3GS Iphone Very Happy
I would like to know if there is any Application for Ringtone and SMS..
As Creating own Ringtone, can take lot of time…
Is there an application which can add SONG to RINGTONE without converting it .
So i can just Change ringtone through APPZ Smile Fighting !!!

Answer #1
Answer #2
I need APPZ Wink I know about the thread you gave Smile .
Fighting !!!
Answer #3

The_Rock wrote: Select all

I need APPZ Wink I know about the thread you gave Smile .
Fighting !!!
Google for it! Isn’t that hard!
Answer #4
Why would you waste time with an app when you could just do it through iTunes?
“It takes too much time.”
15 seconds is too much time?
For custom SMS notifications you have to follow these steps:

1) Convert the sound you would like to use to a .caf (I use Switch on my Mac to do this, it's free)
2) Use CyberDuck (Mac) or WinSCP (Windows) to access your iPhone's file system. There are some great threads on here about how to do this, but here's how to do it:
a. go to Settings -> Wi-Fi -> click on the blue arrow to the left of the wireless network you're connected to, look at the IP Address listed
b. open a connection in CyberDuck or WinSCP using the IP Address you just found
c. The username will be "root" and the password will be "alpine"
3) Once you're in, go to /System/Library/Audio/UISounds
4) Scroll down to the sms-received1.caf through sms-received6.caf, these are the various SMS Notification sounds, simply adding a file to this directory will not put it in the list on the phone.
5) You need to replace one of those sms-received.caf files with your sound, keeping the same name, just a new sound. It will then appear in the SMS Sound list as the same sound name it was originally, so if you replace what used to be the "Horn" sound with a new sound, you still click on "Horn" to set that sound.

Answer #5
any way to simply add another tone as opposed to masking another one??