Internet Slow

January 27th, 2020

I have 4mbps connection and speed test also shows the same :
but problem is since couple of days my browsing is very slow I tried chrome and firefox both same problem take long time to open a page and also taking effect on download normally I get 480kbps speed but as u can see :
I contact to my service provider they said my connection is up and speed 4mbps i have no idea whats wrong since couple of days
any one can help me out please

Answer #1
Let me guess another Aussie?? (If not we get the same thing… Testing the speed on speedtest, will show high dl’s, but trying to dl any where but down the road will be slower speed…)
Apparently to do with the distance from the original box you connect to, as well as cable type…. Im not in the trade, so all I can say, but right, but maybe someone else can give more detail…
Answer #2
Get a better ISP, there’s nothing we can do.
Answer #3
actully this problem started couple of days before otherwise speed was smooth
Answer #4
Actually, what are we suppose to do?
Phone up your ISP and complain and get something sorted.
There’s /nothing/ we can personally do.
You can try tips like not using wireless etc but it’s down to your ISP.
Good luck!
Answer #5
You can only phone the ISP and have your line back to your old speed.
Answer #6
It depends on things.
sometimes your line profile “slips”, sometimes there’s a fault on the trans-oceanic cables, sometimes it’s just shiity service.
My BT fibre is usually 40 Mb/s but lately has been as crappy as 12 to 35.
First things to try – turn off tour modem/router/fibre box. Wait a few seconds, 10 will do, and turn it back on again.
For me, that usually resets the connection back to the 40, MOST times.
(One other cause, less savoury, is that they are monitoring you and the monitoring kills the bandwidth)


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