Slow Internet

November 20th, 2013

Hey all,
I’m trying to troubleshoot a slow internet connection. From the isp side, everything is fine. However, (whether wireless or wired) it takes about 8 seconds to load google, warez, youtube, facebook. That’s pretty slow in my opinion, considering one of my computers loads in lest than 3 seconds.
So any thoughts on how to trouble shoot? I run all my web/internet related programs through sandboxie and use F-Secure which hasn’t turned any nasties up.

Answer #1
Try using a normal browser? Not in a sandbox.
What ISP do you have?
What router and/or modem do you have?
Pulling teeth to get details as usual =(
Also, run a speed test and post results.
Answer #2
The ISP is Cogeco and their provided modem is an RCA DCM425.
I’ve eliminated the router, so it’s a non issue right now.
Lastly the speed test comes back good or better, but my load times say otherwise.
Downloads and page loading is noticeably slower than it has bee, by at least 5 seconds…
Every page loads slow, even if it’s being loaded for the 2nd or 3rd time.
Outside the box, the pages sometimes load faster but it’s mostly the same.
[mod]Please remember to double check that all your links have been coded. #3.10 links must be coded – including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords and internal links.
Answer #3
Well, you didn’t post the results of speed test. I was also interested in your ping.
Is it every page you click on? or just the first time you go to the domain?
Additionally, do does it work fine when your not going through the sandbox/f-secure?
.:RoKsTaR:. replied: Every page loads slow, even if it's being loaded for the 2nd or 3rd time. Outside the box, the pages sometimes load faster but it's mostly the same.
Since you edited, now I have to edit as to not double post.
You just posted a link to pingtest, not to your results.


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