Computer has Windows 8…. Can I “buy” a Win8 DSK

January 22nd, 2020

So I have a laptop, came with Win8, but I don’t want to buy their restore disk and all that other crap.
I want to just have a Win8 disk (technically 8.1 when it comes out).
Does Microsoft have a way for people to simply get a Win8 disk, and use their current license without having to buy a full priced Win8, thus being a whole new Licensed OS?
My plan is in a couple of months when Win8.1 comes out, to buy an SSD and maybe a Blue-Ray Player or Writer, stick those in, install Win8.1, buy MS Office, Proshow Producer, (everything else ) and have my computer all nice the way I want.
BTW, this is what I just got, in processing right now…. Great deal!
I like nearly everything about it but the fact that they put all the USB ports in the FRONT side of the computer, thus totally in the way of hands, potential for breakage. I really can’t comprehend these company’s being so careless with their designs like this. Though, being a 16 inch laptop (17.3 screen) maybe they won’t be in the way too much compared to my 14. I found something better, including features the Sager, for a $150 more, but don’t have the money, and no OS, and sadly no Glossy screen which is a must. I can’t stand matte screens, and can’t understand why they are so popular. It’s like looking through a screen door of your home for hours. Heavens! There was an Asus for same price, but slightly fewer features compared to it, but equivlent to the Acer, but it is Grey. Anyway, had to compromise, since I already sent one computer back Lenovo because of crap wireless and screensize. Never get a 14′ for a full sized laptop.

Answer #1
The Win 8 OS that came with your laptop has an OEM license that is tied to that computer’s main board so you can upgrade any other peripheral you wish. Also, MS claims that they are not charging for the Win 8.1 update from Win 8.
However, if you wish to have a legit Win 8.1 OS on disk, (October 18, 2013) you will have to pay for a retail license.
Answer #2
Ya, that’s sadly what I thought….. Bummer!
You would think MS would provide a way for those of us who want to, to simply provide our license key, and then buy a disk replacement.
Ya, I know we aren’t charged for the update, but it’s just I want a nice OS backup disk. I know we can create one through various ways, mainly third part way because most on board backup programs only allow you to create the original OEM disk, not backup your entire install. Also, I would have to wait until October, to not put anything on my computer, otherwise I would have to uninstall a lot of things to make backup disks. Also, I would like a fresh 8.1 install, no other computer manufacturer junk on the puter.
I’m getting an Acer Aspire (great deal at New Egg $899 Gaming puter). My current 5 year old Walmart special Acer I took Vista off it and put XP, and it’s been great. So, want to do the same to my coming Acer. I would have rather gotten the Sager, but $160 more, no OS, and Matte screen, can’t stand matte screens, so I had to compromise with the Acer. Hoping for the best….
Answer #3
So…. I was just looking around…. and I realized.
Is it better that I maybe download the 8.1 RTM, burn to disk, and I can then use my 8 OEM license from my computer to fresh install 8.1???
I can of course do the same when the “Final” comes out right?


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