Win8.1 HDD ATA Error Msg.

August 4th, 2016

Win8.1 HDD ATA Error Msg.: windows has detected a HDD error, backup or shutdown. Something along that line. So evidently the HDD is failing but still boots, with a boot error msg, dsk 5 ata blah blah..F1 to resume, which allows to normally boot from a multi os menu. once booted, the same windows has detected hdd problem msg pops up again, so not just a one off problem.
What program/how can I transfer the os to another drive, say a 1 tb usb 3.0 external hd. Can that be done. sure, I can reinstall or install to a new location but would rather be shot in the hand than reinstall all the bs that goes along with a new setup. not to mention that really sucks the bandwidth.
any help saving the setup? looks like the hdd is going down fast.

Answer #1
I’d say your having unreasonably high expectations!
Taking a full disk image (Considering the circumstances) would be a bad idea!
It’s possible that some of the data on your HDD has became unreadable, So it’s probably not gonna be an easy task, Not to mention that it’d put a lot more strain on it which could make things even worse.
What you should do is manually (copy & paste) backup selected files/folders only. I suggest you use the following boot cd for this task:
Clearly, You’re gonna have to use a torrent client in order to download it (Such as utorrent)
Either burn it to a disc using imgburn (With the “write image file to disc” option) or put it on your flash
drive with flashboot, Both can be found here:

Good luck!
Answer #2
Domo Arigato Mr. . I apologize, I just had to. Actually I have no expectations from asking about any “best practices” for moving data/OS from one drive to another (USB Drive). that is not entirely true, I do have one expectation. I already have copied files I want to keep, aside form the actual os: I expect as has always been the case is format and reinstall. Since this HD ist tot, I can leave off the format part about formatting this drive and format the new drive and install. That is my expectation. I just wondered if it were possible to copy a drive, os, registry, the whole thing, with boot bcd entries to another drive. didn’t think it was possible, didn’t say it was possible, only asking it was possible with some wunder software. Evidently the answer is nope.
I am interested in your post re: 2baksa. I haven’t been by that joint in some time. I figured it went down about the same time wzor did. I hated to see him and fosi give up the ghost, the best I can tell. 2baksa is quite useful but malware heaven. The drive is still working, using it now, but keeps throwing hd error msgs, so not if but when.
Seems to my little bity mind that we could copy/clone a drive/partition with os and all, then use bcdeasy to install the boot entries to add it to a multiboot menu. guess we aren’t there yet.
Thank you so much for taking your time to help me. you make this a better forum.
edit; I already have a multi boot menu so I can always boot to xp or 7 but have a bandwidth cap, not to mention the pain in the a.. having to dl and install all the stuff that makes pc worth the electricity we put into it.
Answer #3
I just wondered if it were possible to copy a drive, os, registry, the whole thing, with boot bcd entries to another drive. didn't think it was possible, didn't say it was possible, only asking it was possible with some wunder software. Evidently the answer is nope.

In your case, This would be correct.
But generally speaking, Between two healthy HDDs, It’s entirely possible!
It’s just not recommended with faulty HDDs, As the process is likely to fail at some point, Or take extremely long time to complete. 2baksa. I haven't been by that joint in some time. I figured it went down about the same time wzor did.
Nope, It never went down!
2baksa is quite useful but malware heaven.
I’m gonna have to disagree with you on that one!
2baksa has always been rock solid and reliable for me.
Never gotten any infections from it. And as long as you stick to the original links (And not those in the comments) you got nothing to worry about!
you make this a better forum.
Glad to hear!
Answer #4
Thanks for the additional stuff on copying healthy hd’s. I may take a run at it and see how it goes. I don’t know if it is on it’s last leg or just taking a breather.
“2baksa”, it’s been years, so any comment I have on them is so dated, makes it pretty much unreliable. for all I know they hand out kool-aid at the dns server. I am sure you are right.
edit: I looked up and saw where you said “nope, never went down” I thought you meant wzor, the Russian dude with all the stinking cat pictures. I apologize for the editorializing re: stinking cats. he was definitely old school and had all the latest and greatest and knew the groups personally.
Answer #5
I meant 2baksa, Thought it was obvious with the quotation. Anyways, You could use acronis true image if you wanna give it a go:
It has an option to ignore bad sectors, Make sure you use it!
Also, This app would give you further insight on the state of your HDD:
Pick the correct one from the top, And get into the Health tab.


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