X-Box 360 Kinect VS PlayStation 3 Move ?

October 6th, 2013

Hello Every One,
I am planning a to buy a gaming console in next 3-4 days..
Please Suggest me which one should i buy ?
X-box 360 kinect Or Play station move
I am bit more addicted to play WWE Games and few small games like we get with those consoles…
Please Reply Here With Your Suggestion + Giving Their +ve And -ve Points ..

Answer #1
Add an useful, elaborate and on-topic comment next time.
Answer #2
Yea, i am leaned bit more toward xbox kinect…..
….. please keep on giving thier +ve and -ve points……….
Answer #3
kinect all the way
move SUXXX
Answer #4
Kinect all the way much better than PS3 i mean seriously there tech is horrible
Answer #5
Ps3 move = sux, so get x-box.
Answer #6
wow…. so all of u r with kinect … glad
Please give reason why ur supporting kinect or why not supporting ps2 ? and if possible let me know their features also …
Answer #7
there is no comparison. i have kinect, move and wii. the move is a cheap ripoff of the wii. as simple as that. the kinect is far superior. , with the kinect you have full body movement. not just arm and wrist movements as in the move and the wii. there are also voice controls on the kinect also. the only drawback to the kinect is you have to have a minimum of i think 7 foot for it to work right. more room is better. i had exactly 7 foot from sensor and sometimes it “lost” sight of you and tells you to step back. i now have 10 foot from sensor and it works perfect. i also like the fact that it recognizes who you are and picks your avatar once you set it up. it also take photos and video during game play that are down right hilarious to watch and then you can upload them to the internet
Answer #8
Kinect is better in my opinion, but keep in mind that you need a large area to play kinect.
Answer #9
as Xbox require less equipment i would go with that, Move is a bit more expensive but it all depends on what games you are going to play.
Answer #10
Overall the PS3 is better as a system, regarding graphics and generally how it works, it’ll also tend to freeze less.
But the Xbox 360 has the best kind of playability the features are much more enjoyable and the GUI is nice and customizable. You can also access the memory and other features.
Answer #11
With the kinect, all you have to buy is the kinect itself, but for the move you have to buy controllers. Only two people can play on he Kinect, and 4 people on the Move. But if you want four people to play you have to buy four move controllers. The Move controller has buttons so more games can be produced for move but it can only detect your hand movements. Right now, there are not many games for kinect (for gamers). Most games are for children. That being said, the Xbox is a better console in my opinion, so i recommend the Xbox 360 Kinect. Hopefully more games will be developed for Kinect.
Youtube your question, you will get some in-depth reviews.
Answer #12
actually with the new kinect games you can have four people play at the same time. and for the new dance games i think it can be six in a group dance session.
Answer #13
Forget about Kinect. It’s a cool tech demo but not suitable for games more advanced than Wii Sports.
Ok, here’s an example. You’re playing a racing game, you’re steering by holding an imaginary wheel. Ok, simple enough, how do you accelerate and brake?
Now, do you still want motion controls? Get PS Move or even a Wii.


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