Wireless Router WEP Key

January 21st, 2020

Hey, I have two problems I was wondering I could have help with.
First of all, my cousins have a Nintendo Wii, and they are trying to connect it to the internet, but their wireless router has a WEP key, and they don’t know what it is. Is there a way to find out your own WEP key?
And for me, I was wondering about putting security on my Wireless router, because I have a feeling someone is leeching off my internets. I don’t know how to put a WEP key on, and I was wondering if I could have some help with that. I have a Belkin.
Thanks alot. :3

Answer #1
1. If its there internet they should have accses to there wireles router, Get them to plug the router into the PC via a yellow cable (Normally a yellow cable), They will have to look up what there router IP is for example linksys is…
They can change edit the password imformation there, If they dont know the router IP tell them to look at the routers manuals
2. Just like that ^^ you can put a wireless password onto your wireless
Good luck
Answer #2
reset the router and it will clear it out.
Answer #3

Headucation wrote: Select all

1. If its there internet they should have accses to there wireles router, Get them to plug the router into the PC via a yellow cable (Normally a yellow cable), They will have to look up what there router IP is for example linksys is…
They can change edit the password imformation there, If they dont know the router IP tell them to look at the routers manuals
2. Just like that ^^ you can put a wireless password onto your wireless
Good luck
Ok, for me, I am trying to do the password now. I don’t have the manuel handy on me, and I can only guess that it is connected to the PC, even though I don’t see a yellow cable. I found out the IP for a Belkin is, but when I type it into Mozilla Firefox, it doesn’t do anything. Like an unknown website. Should I be putting it in somewhere else?
Answer #4
Ok, for me, I am trying to do the password now. I don't have the manuel handy on me, and I can only guess that it is connected to the PC, even though I don't see a yellow cable. I found out the IP for a Belkin is, but when I type it into Mozilla Firefox, it doesn't do anything. Like an unknown website. Should I be putting it in somewhere else?
Well you need to get onto your router home page, I dont know your router IP and i dont know what country you are from, Search google
Have a look at the back of your PC, Look at your router and follow the wire to your PC, Thats only if you are NOT using your wireless card / wireless USB, It should be under your USB’s (where the yellow cable plugs in)
If you are using your wireless card / wireless USB, Connect your router direct to your PC (Thats the yellow cable)
Good luck
Answer #5
Ok, after searching the internet, and finding “”, I’ve managed to get to my routers Setup. I have a choice of security I can put on it. I can put either:
WPA-PSK (no server) 128Bit WEP 64Bit WEP WPA (With Radius Server)
I don’t wanna put the wrong one on, and screw up my internet, so I am asking which one is best advised for use? Thanks, and thanks for the help so far.
Answer #6

WPA-PSK (no server) 128Bit WEP 64Bit WEP WPA (With Radius Server)

Well out of them i would choose “WPA-PSK (no server)”
Thats so you can have a password like ()
Im quite sure the 128bit WEP and 64Bit WEP
are so you have your passwords as numbers But dont hold me to that Good luck
Answer #7

Headucation wrote: Select all

WPA-PSK (no server) 128Bit WEP 64Bit WEP WPA (With Radius Server)

Well out of them i would choose “WPA-PSK (no server)”
Thats so you can have a password like ()
Im quite sure the 128bit WEP and 64Bit WEP
are so you have your passwords as numbers But dont hold me to that Good luck
Thanks a lot! Merry Christmas.
Answer #8
Thanks a lot! Merry Christmas.
Merry christmas to you aswell
Answer #9
mate it is a waste of time using WEP reason ebing cracks are avalible anywhere use WPA or WPA2
Answer #10
The security system you choose must match what is available on all devices you wish to connect to wep is least secure but good enough for most people and the so called wep cracks work for few wifi cards (in the crackers pc) and are mainly linux based many people claim to have cracked wep with ease but have never said which program used and I have yet to find it
Answer #11
mate it is a waste of time using WEP reason ebing cracks are avalible anywhere use WPA or WPA2
Well, it doesn’t matter now, because I am using the no server one, which isn’t a number key.
Answer #12
reset the router and it will clear it out.
Dumbest thing i’ve ever heard. You should have said, reset to factory settings.
Answer #13
mate it is a waste of time using WEP reason ebing cracks are avalible anywhere use WPA or WPA2
Well, it doesn't matter now, because I am using the no server one, which isn't a number key.

number key… wtf?
That isn’t true. You just must use a predefined length for your password. (That’s what the XYZbit stands for)