Windows XP on a Flash Drive

January 21st, 2020

I have a laptop that runs Ubuntu, but I want to be able to boot Windows XP off a flash drive to play small games (like Halo CE). I have found several LiveXP systems for USB but they are based off BartPE and offer limited hardware support.
Is there any way to install a copy of XP with drivers for my laptop onto a flashdrive to boot just when I want to play games?

Answer #1
if you download BartPE you can build your own custom bootable install and fit it to youur hardware and software requirements
however: running an OS of a pendrive will severly slow the system down (it has to store the system page file on the drive, and the drive is slow) so you will notice a reduction in performance.
my advice would be to install WINE on your Ubuntu install and play the games that way
Answer #2
Unfortunately it has crap integrated graphics (GMA950) and none of the DirectX acceleration works for the game(s) I want to play. They only work in windows (previously was on this laptop, but hard drive crashed so it has a 20GB running Ubuntu, hence no dual boot.)
If the flash drive won’t work, could it be done by booting XP over the network? And to take it a notch up, a Wireless network?
This is an Acer Travelmate 4220 laptop.
Answer #3
I heard M$ is in process of making an OS that can be boot through teh internets. Your idea of it is good but not possible at the time being. lolz I would just suggest installing Windows XP and dual booting it with your linux. I also dont think running Windows from flash drive would be good you’ll wear down the drive in no time.
Answer #4
booting over a network is called PXEbooting (Pre eXecution Environment)
this can only be done over a wired network, and its fiddly to setup. you will need to download a version of ‘Windows for Embedded Systems’ and build a boot image with that
this image will need to be able to fit into ram (ie if you have 1gb of ram, the biggest the image can be is 1gb)
due to this it is impractical to play games with. the base windows image with directx is ~400mb, plus say 2.5gb for a game, plus the game (and windows) will need ram (remember, there is no swap file, so the whole thing needs to fit into ram) say ~1.5gb, so you are going to need a HUGE amount of RAM. it will take a long time to boot up as well, and you will need another computer to act as a server to host the boot image


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