Windows 8.1 Update Error

August 7th, 2016

I have installed new windows 8.1 in my laptop. While updating windows, I am seeing errors. Please see attached file and let me know how to resolve this.

Answer #1
yeah, might help if you post the error code windows update itself is giving. That screenshot means nothing. Just as list of failed updates themselves.
Answer #2
try updating one or two files at a time, instead of clicking all update boxes at once
then see how you go from there, sometimes it works for me.
Answer #3
I just did a fresh install of 8.1 a couple of days ago (yesterday?), and I had similar problems.
When I first tried to update, the updater showed it downloading AND installing all updates, but nothing happened to my system, like no flickering, etc.
Turns out no update occured…. 8.1 didn’t even remember it had tried to, it showed no update checking had been done or occured.
I then tried to update again, and the updates failed to download.
Tried again later, and I was able to finally update everything.
Likely just a problem with 8.1 Update Service or both the updater and the update service, or something.
I’m all good now….. Just give it some time. Ship happens.
Answer #4
fyi, win8.1 is buggy. even win10 is better, i recommend you to upgrade to win10 (still free until summer).
im using win10 now, before, i installed win8.1 pro and it has some error, im not even using it for more than one day.
Answer #5
LOL…. I was using Win10…. and I downgraded because my OS just wasn’t built for it. One necessary Sound Blaster Software wouldn’t work on it properly and whatever.
I liked it, but I didn’t like the auto-updates, I like controlling my ship.
I didn’t like the “scrolling” Programs List….. I mean even 8.1 was better than that to find crap faster.
Sure, the “section” where you could put your favorites was an improvement, but you had to manually move things over, and you would sometimes need stuff not there, and the scrolling listing was a slow irritation.
Got tired of it because of those things, 8.1 was simply overall better because of it.
Microsoft (and lot’s of others) just can’t do anything right…. They improve some things, and F up things that are working or could work better.
8.1 isn’t the best, but at least it works in the areas I mentioned. I’m happy as a clam with it….. It is really still Windows 10, just a little different.
So, Windows 10 is really pointless frankly, I was on it for the last year and really see no difference other than those things and a couple small things. I’ll go to it my next major computer buy.
Answer #6
if you install 10 pro, you can control auto updates through group policy. Works perfectly. As far as the start menu goes, well there’s way’s around that but i don’t think the default start menu is all that bad once you unpin all those tiles from it.
Answer #7
It is working fine now. I have not done anything
Answer #8
LOL.... I was using Win10.... and I downgraded because my OS just wasn't built for it. One necessary Sound Blaster Software wouldn't work on it properly and whatever.
I liked it, but I didn't like the auto-updates, I like controlling my ship.
I didn't like the "scrolling" Programs List..... I mean even 8.1 was better than that to find crap faster.
Sure, the "section" where you could put your favorites was an improvement, but you had to manually move things over, and you would sometimes need stuff not there, and the scrolling listing was a slow irritation.
Got tired of it because of those things, 8.1 was simply overall better because of it.
Microsoft (and lot's of others) just can't do anything right.... They improve some things, and F up things that are working or could work better.
8.1 isn't the best, but at least it works in the areas I mentioned. I'm happy as a clam with it..... It is really still Windows 10, just a little different.
So, Windows 10 is really pointless frankly, I was on it for the last year and really see no difference other than those things and a couple small things. I'll go to it my next major computer buy.

even from first sentence is already weird. “because my OS (operating system, ex: win10) just wasnt built for it”, ..what?
oh yeah, im using win10, full control, theres no notification about any update at all, no force, nothing. finding things, i prefer win7/win10 start menu. since win8/8.1 has start menu in different window. though you can change the start menu to be like win8/8.1 in win10.
you see, win10 is a combination of half-cooked win8/8.1 and win7. most of people prefers win7 compared to win8/8.1, so its not pointless to make win10. win8/8.1 is just stylish. if you are a long time windows user, you wouldnt like win8/8.1, i bet you arent. because microsoft lost their loyal customers since they released win8 and win8.1, most of them change to linux (desperate). win8/8.1 indeed have few better things, for example harddisk format and partition or windows defender, but it isnt big point compared to overall practical use. it happens anyway, people didnt like it. you dare say, they are dumb while you alone not?


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