Windows 7 Ultimate Product Key

January 24th, 2020

I managed to install Windows 7 Home Premium on my Nans old Computer…
(for some reason she doesn’t want to get rid of it)
When I had it at my House, I totally forgot about the Product Key,
so over time now, it’s saying about the 30 days to acitvate etc.
When I was over her House on it a couple of days ago I tried to download some things,
some generators and the anytime upgrade (which then happened to have Windows Ultimate on)
also tried some Product Keys I found on some websites etc but none worked…
I tried to disable the network and anti-virus as well and activate the Keys but still nothing,
all I got were errors and blocked keys messages.
Can anyone suggest what I can do regarding this?
is it better buying a Windows 7 Home Premium and installing that and using that Product Key?
or can anyone suggest some Windows 7 Ultimate Keys I can try when i’m back over there,
or a website to download a working generator?
Basically, just need the Windows 7 Ultimate activated, with no ‘down the line’ issues!
as at the moment it says 30 days, and the wallpaper has turned black,
and says in the corner about it needing to be acivated and so on.
So any help would be appreciated,

Answer #1
Windows Loader by Daz
Don’t worry abpot the key..Let the loader take care of that..
Answer #2
Wicked thanks a lot…
just found it on there (the one you mean)
There are no instructions though,
is it a simple download and press ‘install’ and that’s it?
do I have to disable the network along with the anti-virus?
or does the network stay on?
… and there has been no issues with this in the long wrong?
this Computer i’ve been sorting has been really annoying,
so it’ll be good to have it sorted once and for all,
with no errors or expire dates down the line.
Thanks again.
Answer #3
Best to disable anti virus and unplug the internet.
Then just run it…Should be fine.
There is a read me file with it if any problems.
After install and reboot, you can go here to check that it is validated and genuine OK.
You can do all updates..
Answer #4
Thanks a lot, was there for 3 hours today, for some reason the one on here wouldnt extract, so I thought I found some on another website but was just getting errors and it installed Trojans on the computer!
managed to sort all that, and then managed to get the one on here to work and extract properly, ran that, and it says Windows is now Activated
did the Virus Scans a couple more times but only the quick ones, so when im there next i’ll put the full scans on and make sure there is nothing left on there!
hopefully no issues now regarding Windows itself.


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