Windows 7 download progress problem

May 2nd, 2014

Hey guys,
I bought a MSI X460 DX a month or two ago, and it came with windows 7. I don’t like it, but started getting used to it..
Now i’m having problems with the yellow/white bar that appears at the bottom of the screen when i start a download is not working properly. If i hit open instead of save as, it doesn’t open at all. If I hit “view downloads” it doesn’t open the download window anymore.
I also can’t manage to change the directory folder of the quick “save” option.
Can anyone help me with those problems? It’d be greatly appreciated!

Answer #1
What is this yellow/white bar you speak of?
What program are you downloading in?
What is the “quick ‘save’ options”?
Need some details mate..!
Answer #2
This is the bar i’m speaking of:
Answer #3
mr ownage replied: This is the bar i'm speaking of:
What is that screen shot of? Is it a browser? You gave a very small screen shot, with a non direct link, that has been shrunk in size!
Upload a full screen shot to lulzimg.
And provide details please, your not telling us anything!
Answer #4
You couldv’e clicked on it for full size..
What more do you want me to tell you? I just click on it and it doesn’t do ~love~

Answer #5
mr ownage replied: You couldv'e clicked on it for full size..
What more do you want me to tell you? I just click on it and it doesn't do

You’re helpless dood.
You wont tell me what program your using and your linking a screen shot that is too small to see anything.
Link a full size screen shot FFS!
Answer #6
SmAsHeDr replied: mr ownage replied: You couldv'e clicked on it for full size..
What more do you want me to tell you? I just click on it and it doesn't do

You're helpless dood.
You wont tell me what program your using and your linking a screen shot that is too small to see anything.
Link a full size screen shot FFS!

I’m using internet explorer to download whatever i’m downloading, and here is a fullscreen shot

Answer #7
mr ownage replied: I'm using internet explorer to download
8 post into a thread and you are just now telling what browser your using. How did you expect us to help you when you wouldn’t even tell us what program your using?
But that is your problem right there. IE is a terrible browser with hardly no options or any addons. Use Firefox or Chrome. I recommend Firefox.
If you must continue using IE, you can try clearing all your cache and cookies, or even uninstalling and re-installing it. But IE never works as desired.
Answer #8
It used to work, but it just stopped randomly a week ago. I don’t use any program dude i just download music or movies from here…when I click it doesn’t do anything, what else could i tell you to help you???? Make a video??
Answer #9
mr ownage replied: It used to work, but it just stopped randomly a week ago.
IE, what do you expect, lol.
mr ownage replied: I don't use any program dude i just download music or movies from here...
Your using IE, that is a program! I can’t assume that your using a web browser, or a download manager.
mr ownage replied: when I click it doesn't do anything, what else could i tell you to help you???? Make a video??
See the previous post, with suggestions! I feel like I’m wasting my time here if you don’t even read my suggestions. Maybe someone else will come go through this with you, good luck…
Answer #10
U shud use a download manger called jdownloader if u want download links from fileserve/filesonic/rapidshare/megaupload ect ect
Answer #11
mr ownage replied: It used to work, but it just stopped randomly a week ago.
What you are referring to is the IE-9 Notification Bar.
Most people complain that it can’t be turned off so I’m not sure why yours stopped working.
I would simply suggest that you download IE-9 from MS and install the browser again.
I’m almost certain that should cure the problem.
Answer #12
@SmAsHeDr – you should get to know IE so that you can provide support for it
I use Opera and Ice Weasel mainly, but as like 80% of the world uses IE because they have to (works pc etc) a bit of knowledge on something you may particularly dislike is often advantageous


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