Wifi Switcher at a certain time

January 21st, 2020

Hi, I’m trying to use wifi 1 from 06:00 to 00:00 and wifi 2 from 00:00 to 06:00. I’m trying to figure out how to do an auto switcher during this time. I can’t find any windows app that could help me any suggestions?
Answer #1
I don’t think there is a software for this. You can record a macro and try executing it. To have the switch automatically we must know the router model to see if it’s supported.
Answer #2
do u have two wifi cards?
Answer #3
A lot of wireless apps let you set up multiple connection profiles. Its as easy as clicking a button, in the wireless configuration software. I am unsure if there would be timed option like your after, and might be or not depending on the card software you use. I dont have my wireless active so cant play around with it further, but just my 2 cents of what might help..??
Heres an example of what I mean, sorta, its not through the wireless in your comp, but a wireless router (range extender),with the functionality you want. (Pretty sure some wireless devices would have similar software, but couldnt find any, doing a 5 min search..) The N300 was pretty cheap as well. Might be worth getting one just for the functionality..??
Answer #4
You can make a batch file which you set to a scheduled task that runs NETSH, like this
netsh wlan disconnect
netsh wlan connect name=WIFI1
and another one to run at another time
netsh wlan disconnect
netsh wlan connect name=WIFI2


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