Why taskbar wont go away while watching videos via vlc?

October 21st, 2013

before when play a movie go full screen taskbar goes away. I used to double click the video it exit full screen access then taskbar but now its always showing annoying! i tried right click LOCK OR UNLOCK wont chage and i HATE auto hide feature! any solutions?
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Answer #1
Have you tried pressing F? That’s how I toggle fullscreen with VLC.
I found double-clicking doesn’t make it fullscreen properly for some reason, though not exactly the same as your problem.
Answer #2
this isssue is everywhere even on youtube and other online streaming the god dang taskbar wont go away and right clicking to unlock taskbar dosnt change anything i just got this lpatop from bestbuy yesterday pavilon g6 hp meh!!!!!
Answer #3
Wow, that sounds horrible, I’ll give you a free bump though =P
Answer #4
I have that for my standard media player on my laptop. Taskbar is always visible.
Answer #5
Definately a strange error. A temporary fix would be to just make the taskbar autohide.
However addressing the issue of vlc, doing that i would maybe suggest it is fixable by going in to the VLC properties/options
Answer #6
When your playing a movie in fullscreen and you see task bar, try alt+tab and choose vlc and it shouls work. Maybe try unlocking/ locking taskbar
Answer #7
when this happenss to me on windows 7 i just click on the desktop preview button in the bottom right hand corner then switch back to vlc and it should be gone


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