Whats is the best car(saving gas)

August 6th, 2016

So I got a job that is about an hour away and I am trying to find out which car is the best gas saving car to get.
Answer #1
Give us a clue…Tell us the Country and location of your job
Answer #2
Give us a clue...Tell us the Country and location of your job all I can tell is I live in MD(Maryland) and my job is an hour away depending on traffic. So Honda civic,accord, Camry hybrid or other type of gas saving car between 1990- present. No Prius, no honda fit, and no Toyota matrix.
Answer #3
Just do some research, many of the 4 cylinder cars of that era got 30+ mpg…
Answer #4
Just do some research, many of the 4 cylinder cars of that era got 30+ mpg...but which year… What make… What model. I want a car that is the best on gas till 1990- present. No fords
Answer #5
2 litre or less diesel hatchback
Golf diesel, for e.g..
Diesel = 80 mpg
hatchback = easy access, seats fold down for HUGE space, nippy, comfortable, small.
Answer #6
What about a honda crx?
Answer #7
You need to look at more than just MPG when you are trying to get a car that will be an inexpensive commuter. Look at the total monthly/yearly cost of ownership. Will you have monthly payments? What is insurance going to cost? These two things can completely outweigh MPG.
For example, an old beater you payed $1500 cash for and only costs $500 a year to insure won’t matter if it gets 15 MPG compared to a car that costs $250/month payments, $100/month insurance and gets 40 MPG.
Figure out what fuel will cost for your commute at various MPGs, then compare what the ownership costs of each car you are considering will be.
Answer #8
I think this will give you the best gas mileage. http://www.andtrucks.com/cushman-haulster-3-wheel-utility-vehicle/ police and post office, and highway department use these in some areas because of the very high fuel efficiency.
Answer #9
Hyundai cars are fuel efficient
Answer #10
Hybrids are supposed to get pretty good milage.
Just check out low power cars, like 1.1 litre iGO cars. Nissan Micra…it’s 1 litre. Fiat Cinquecento is like… 0.9 litre. So any of them would be good on gas.
either that or get a motor bike, you’d save a lot more.
Answer #11
Honda accord and ford fusion win (2014 hybrids) . Here’s a comparison I did. The Accord is pretty damn sexy in my opinion. Good luck!
Answer #12
doesnt a VW blue motion get like 80mpg ?


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