saving threads?

August 5th, 2016

I probably know the answer to my question but will post anyways in the hope that im wrong.
Am I right in thinking the only when to save a thread is to bookmark it in your web broswer? (ie. theres no option on the forum to save favs etc)

Answer #1
You can use Lilium which is a Firefox addon a it has a feature called Lilium Favs which will save topics into Lilium instead of you bookmarking topics.
More info:
Answer #2
Thanks for the fast reply, checking it out now.
Answer #3
Theres an option in this addon that says “theSCENE: – Notify when a new issue has been released” – could anyone tell me what that is?
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Answer #4
Theres an option in this addon that says "theSCENE: - Notify when a new issue has been released" - could anyone tell me what that is?
Answer #5
ahhh thanks, had no idea it was a mag


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