What should my Podcast be about?

October 7th, 2013

Hi everybody. I’ve just thought of starting a podcast and sharing my (and others’) oppinions with listeners via the Web. I will lay out my interests and knowledge base here so you can help me choose what should I focus on in my new podcast.
Fitness/Sport Life – I’d be talking about various training programs and nutrition tips and advices. I personally really enjoy exploring this subject and its complexity. I also know many of my friends that’d probably be happy to contribute to this topic.
Games – my plan with this topic is that I’d reveal in-game tricks and secret areas, gears, skills (if available), it’d mostly be about MMO games, but I will certainly spare 10-15 mins/episode for non-online games. Maybe I’ll even have special episodes about non-online games. I’d also include news about development and release dates of games currently in development.
IT – this is the subject of my greatest interest. I plan on proffesionally working in IT department(s) when I finish faculty and eventually masters degree. I’d include weekly reports on newly developed technology, press releases from top-rated organizations and companies. I’d cover litterarily all types of IT devices – (smart)phones, netbooks, notebooks, iProducts, PCs, servers, HDDs, RAMs, CPUs and everything else.
Music – if this is what majority decides, I’ll have sessions with songs being played for the purpose of listening and enjoying, w/o my voice interruptions, and sessions with songs in background and me announcing new tracks or new videos available on youtube, vimeo and other sites.
TV Shows – this is the topic that would be fairly easy for me to cover and arrange, but I’d also enjoy it. It’d feature reviews of newly started series and criticism of popular series. As all the above mentioned topics, it’d also include news in the television media field.
edit: ‘topic’ in the poll’s title should actually be replaced with ‘podcast’.
edit: added Fitness/Sport Life to the possible choices.

Answer #1
Not sure if this is the right section, but I guess this is a nice change. Have you considered just doing your podcasts about each of these topics instead of picking one? Different people have different interests, so you may attract more and different listeners. Alternatively, I know plenty of people that are interested in all four of these topics.
Answer #2
Well I agree, that’d be the easiest and most enjoyable way for me to host the podcast, but I don’t know if let’s say a listener is only interested in music, and after 15 minutes he quits the podcast, I doubt he will subscribe and closely follow next releases and development of the podcasts.
Answer #3
When you starting it?
Answer #4
Well I’d like to start it on Sunday, but considering how slow the voting process is going it might be a bit later, like Tuesday or Wednesday.
Answer #5
I wouldn’t use this subforum as a platform to judge potential interest in your podcast though. This section is visited by a select group of people with specialized interests.
Answer #6
True statement, but I don’t want it to be in Off-topic, because people usually go to off-topic to start their own discussion they rarely skim the currently open topics. But maybe I should’ve opened this in Introduction section, well ty for criticism anyway.
Answer #7
Moved from serious discussion to help desk.
Since this is basically about requesting advice and support for your project I’ve decided that the best place for it is in the help subforum, which covers every kind of help and support, not just technical help.


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