Weird problem with GPU [BSOD’s]

August 7th, 2013

I am using the Gigabyte GTX 560 Ti OC and when I play games such a BF3 and Skyrim I will usually get a BSOD instantly or within atleast 5 minutes of game play. The only way around this is to under clock my card significantly from 900Mhz (core clock) to 600Mhz where I am able to play with no issues what so ever.
I have updated all my drivers and even done a fresh install of Windows.
What is the problem here? Dodgy graphics card or something else?
Like I said.. It works fine when I under clock but this is not good enough!!

Answer #1
Heat is a suspect.
Sometimes they just chuck the heatsink on the card with no care whatsoever and a mess of thermal paste.
Answer #2
The temp of the gpu is usually 50 – 60 when gaming.. I don’t think it has got anything to do with heat :\
I’d also like to note:
– CPU temp is good.
– Mobo temp is good.
– RAM is fine (Memtest+ shows no errors)
The only other thing is the PSU .. but I highly doubt that is the case.
I hopped over to the Gigabyte forum and lots of people are having the same issue, especially with the OC model on games like BF3.
The BSOD I get (well it’s a black screen and I have to hard boot) refers to the GPU.
I’m not really happy playing on a under clocked card :\
I still have 2 days to report the fault to the shop as faulty then it’s too late. What do you guys think I should do?
Answer #3
RMA the card.
Answer #4
I still have 2 days to report the fault to the shop as faulty
do it !
get a new one, or better yet get a standard clocked version and OC it yourself
Answer #5
Thanks for the replies guys. I have informed the store of this issue and am currently waiting on a response. I have unplugged the card from my PC to prevent any more damage. I think I’ll just get a standard clocked GPU next time


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