WANTED: 3D survival games ?

January 23rd, 2020

Hi there,
iam a fan of adventure movies and games and Iam looking for a 3D survival game.
As example, you crashed with a plane and need to find shelter, find food, make fire and so on. Iam looking alos in general for 3D adventure survival games but not just a game with puzzles. For me adventure means something different than solving puzzles.
Is there any game out there which is similar to what iam looking for ?

Answer #1
I’m interested in that too… too bad there are no games that are good graphics, and more free.
There is Stranded 2 which is decent.
Answer #2
The only survival game i know is biosys, but thats a click n point adventure unfortunately…
Would be so awesome to have a game where you fight for your survival after a plane crash or you get over board, ship is sinking or anything like that. Iam a bit tired of survival games where you have to shoot only monsters after a while.
Answer #3
Yeah well Stranded 2 is a really good game, just bad graphics, but a good amount of free ability. A generous amount of stuff to make, build, eat etc…
Answer #4
Yeah, i love stranded 2 too, but i’d wish there was something with better graphics and it being even bigger and even more advanced
Answer #5
The Sims 2: Castaway perhaps? May be a little childish though.
Answer #6
don’t know if Dino Crisis counts. also perhaps resident Evil series?
Answer #7
Answer #8
the penumbra series is SIMPLY AMAZING. but it’s a horror survival….so. If you’re up to it DOWNLOAD IT ASAP. Highly recommended ^_^
Answer #9
The L4D series?


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