Using a Nulled IPB (Invision Power Board) forum. Need Advice

August 2nd, 2016

Hey everyone, I need some advice. I will be using a nulled Invison Board for my forum. My webhost allows a nulled version but said if he gets a notice from the Invision people, I’d have to remove it. This forum will be small, private and invite only. I need to take every precaution possible so that I won’t get caught by the Invision people. From what I hear, the only way to get caught if you have a nulled Invison board is if someone actually reports your forum to the Invision people or if the Invision people somehow stumble upon your url and check in their database to see if you actually have a legit license. I figure since my forum will be small and private and Invite Only, the chances of getting reported will be very slim. I will not be advertising this forum at all, so hopefully, the Invision people will never be aware of it’s existence, but what else can I do? what other precautions can I take? I am thinking to somehow make the homepage of my site not even look like a forum, it would be just asking for a password to be entered (which I will give to my members) in order for them to actually enter the Invision forum. What do you think of this? how can this be accomplished (I’m a newb when it comes to web design)
Can anyone with knowledge on this issue please give me some more advice? I’d really appreciate it, thanks.

Answer #1
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB – it’s good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
Answer #2
Answer #3
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB - it's good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
what a useless post. If I was in a position to buy it, don’t you think I would? And you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the planet, dude. You are on a board, you’ve got a gazillion posts, probably uploaded and download a huge amount and you are telling someone to buy software and it serves me right if I get caught. Think about the unbelievable amount of hypocrisy in that. If you can’t contribute to the thread, please don’t. Now anyone who can actually helpful, I’d really appreciate some input, if you’re gonna be like that dude, please don’t bother…
Answer #4
You are at high risk of getting caught if you use a nulled version, For example, If you ban someone or p*ss them off they could report you to IPB
Not worth using it IMO…
Answer #5
Buy it!
Answer #6

[[-Ghost-]] wrote: Select all

Buy it!
Answer #7
Just use the script & dont worry about it, if you do ever get reported you can always convert to a diferant cms like PHPBB3 or just change the domain name, and dont tell anyone that you are using a nulled script & no one will know
Answer #8
buy it!
Answer #9
Yeah just dont tell the members its nulled… or is that impossible? I used a forum where you had to enter a new password every time you used it.. htaccess
Answer #10
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB - it's good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
what a useless post. If I was in a position to buy it, don't you think I would? And you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the planet, dude. You are on a board, you've got a gazillion posts, probably uploaded and download a huge amount and you are telling someone to buy software and it serves me right if I get caught. Think about the unbelievable amount of hypocrisy in that. If you can't contribute to the thread, please don't. Now anyone who can actually helpful, I'd really appreciate some input, if you're gonna be like that dude, please don't bother...

I’m saying that cause they’re a good company, they do a good job unlike 75% of antiviruses, antispywares, and other software. Like everyone else says buy it I’ve got two thousand posts mate :S
Answer #11
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB - it's good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
what a useless post. If I was in a position to buy it, don't you think I would? And you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the planet, dude. You are on a board, you've got a gazillion posts, probably uploaded and download a huge amount and you are telling someone to buy software and it serves me right if I get caught. Think about the unbelievable amount of hypocrisy in that. If you can't contribute to the thread, please don't. Now anyone who can actually helpful, I'd really appreciate some input, if you're gonna be like that dude, please don't bother...

I'm saying that cause they're a good company, they do a good job unlike 75% of antiviruses, antispywares, and other software. Like everyone else says buy it I've got two thousand posts mate :S

Posts has nothing to do with this…
Answer #12
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB - it's good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
what a useless post. If I was in a position to buy it, don't you think I would? And you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the planet, dude. You are on a board, you've got a gazillion posts, probably uploaded and download a huge amount and you are telling someone to buy software and it serves me right if I get caught. Think about the unbelievable amount of hypocrisy in that. If you can't contribute to the thread, please don't. Now anyone who can actually helpful, I'd really appreciate some input, if you're gonna be like that dude, please don't bother...

I'm saying that cause they're a good company, they do a good job unlike 75% of antiviruses, antispywares, and other software. Like everyone else says buy it I've got two thousand posts mate :S

you got 2000 posts? wow! you want a medal??? oh I see so because it’s good, you shouldn’t download it illegally. So you’re saying, you never download any good music or movies or videos, only the bad ones, right? please… you are the world’s biggest hypocrite, dude. Maybe if it was reasonably price, I’d consider buying it and there would be a lot less piracy. but $150 for 6 months is outrageous. I’lll make you a deal, you give me the money, and I’ll buy it. Sound good? anyway, thanks for those that gave solid advice, and no thanks to the ~ censored ~ who can’t even stay on topic. I’m not asking whether this is good or bad software or whether I should buy it or not, OK? I am asking for precautions I should consider after I install it. Those with some solid advice, I’d love to hear from you. if you post “buy it” you are just as useless as your post.
Answer #13
Lol, you said I’ve got ‘gazillion posts’ so I was just saying how many I really do have. Anyway, buy it, theres a risk of getting caught if some asstard reports you (which will happen if you ban them, or offend them somehow).
I wouldnt take the risk BUT, you can risk it and they may give you a warning via email or something, asking you to remove it (or your host may beat them to it)
Think carefully.. Is it really worth getting caught?
Answer #14
They can catch you but don’t shut your site down. IPB is different from vB!
Answer #15

[[-Ghost-]] wrote: Select all

Buy it! I mean comon….
Answer #16
Get phpbb ;0
Answer #17
Hey man, i’ve been using forum software like this for years and haven’t ever gotten caught don’t worry. And the most they can do is shut down your site right?
Answer #18
Actually, saying “Buy It” isn’t horribly bad. Support the programs you love. Think of the children!!
Answer #19
Just start your forum with phpbb and then when you get more members ask for donations. Then I would get a vbulletin, they have excellent software for transferring your forum from phpbb to vbulletin.
Hope it helps
Answer #20
The OP is a noob. You will know the fruits of buying a license when you receive the notice. Why don’t you just use a freaking free software like SMF instead?
Answer #21
tell your members that u’ve buy the ipb and u got the license just lie to your members if you think someone will complain it to ipb or instead of that search for a IPB to PHPBB converter and use PHPBB its better and faster then IPB !
Answer #22
Also cheaper.
Answer #23
Hello mate. I am using IPB for 2 years now. Guess what, somebody reported me, IPB told me to take down my forum, and I did nothing. So don’t worry, go no…. Just take precaution if you use VB, not IPB.. I am still running nulled IPB for 1 year now after the date of reporting….
Answer #24
Look your forums gonna be like fort knox, do them a favour and buy IPB - it's good software, buy it Fair? Serves you right if you get caught.
what a useless post. If I was in a position to buy it, don't you think I would? And you have got to be the biggest hypocrite on the planet, dude. You are on a board, you've got a gazillion posts, probably uploaded and download a huge amount and you are telling someone to buy software and it serves me right if I get caught. Think about the unbelievable amount of hypocrisy in that. If you can't contribute to the thread, please don't. Now anyone who can actually helpful, I'd really appreciate some input, if you're gonna be like that dude, please don't bother...

I'm saying that cause they're a good company, they do a good job unlike 75% of antiviruses, antispywares, and other software. Like everyone else says buy it I've got two thousand posts mate :S

Want a Cookie?
Answer #25
*sigh*.. should just attach this into my sig… but…
-Be an HONEST PIRATE and support what you use!
-DO NOT remove GROUP credits from collection releases!
-NFO DIZ SFV per dir,or 1 in main for all
Answer #26
what a pack of hypocrites!!! there would not be 1 person on this site including me that’s not using some sort of pirated software and have been for years! and never bought it! And don’t say you have cause ya a liar!!!!!
The cheek to turn around and tell someone to buy it! You’s are pirates for Christ sake! what a statement!
Answer #27
OP must realise that using nulled/pirated software means that you must accept the risk inherent in using it. I would VERY strongly recommend buying it or switching to PHPBB since nulled forum software has exploits that result from being pirated.
Oh and just like to point out that the OP just looks immature when he accuses us of hypocrisy. I buy all software I need. I have legitimate copies of XP/Vista/Office and all other software I regularly use. I own copies of the games I play the most (wow/fallout 3 etc.). Buy good software because otherwise the companies fold.