Unlocking an Iphone 3GS clone?

January 28th, 2020

Hi Gurus.
I bought one of these cheap,basically its an iphone replica that looks and works exactly the same as a original iphone 3gs.
Here are the 2 phones here they are very similar
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My question is it possible to unlock this phone/allow me to use my pay as you go sim card on it,its a 64gb iphone clone that is dual simcard on bootup.
I have found plenty of programs to do this for an original Iphone,is it the same for a replica?
Any advice would be great as im a complete nOOb when it comes to phones.

Answer #1
Pretty sure they’re unlocked out of the box…?
Answer #2
like prozac said these ebay phones are always unlocked..and since this phone obviously isnt being sold by a carrier theres no way its locked to a certain carrier…
Answer #3
like prozac said these ebay phones are always unlocked..and since this phone obviously isnt being sold by a carrier theres no way its locked to a certain carrier...
The point of having a dual SIM slot is so that you can have SIM cards from two different carriers. In order for this to work, it must be unlocked.
…and lawl @ you even comparing it to an iPhone.
Answer #4
Can you download apps for this?cheers
Answer #5
Can you download apps for this?cheers
That is Chinese knockoff….
Just download some java games and thats all


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