Unable to PATCH sims 3!

August 5th, 2016

Can someone tell me how to patch and update sims 3 inorder to install world adventure?!
Answer #1
Answer #2
google dsnt works.
Answer #3
should be it, i hope.
Answer #4
My advise:
1-install sims3
2-install world adventure
3-using sims3/ea downloader/sims launcher update sim3 to current patch
4-same for world adventure, using sims3 to auto update to current patch
5-match crack with patch on sims 3
6-match crack with patch for world adventure
It is not that easy. 1 to 6, but I have more details and the most current game crack for both sims3 and world adventure at my topic. You can post questions in topic, I will review and other member will join in and help you out also http://www.google.com?t=2613397&highlight=
EDIT: where people get hung up is Collecters Edition is a different game version than Razor download. ANd a registry trick will get you through it:)


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