trying to remember movie tite

August 5th, 2016

It was about a group of people who find a treasure map…. but in the end it turns out to be a tourist game…. at the end you find there is an extra bit to the map which leads to some real treasue.
sory for the bad description but i watched the film a long time ago now and those are the bits which stuck in my mind.

Answer #1
national treasure ???
Answer #2
City Slickers……….!!!
Answer #3
Pirates of Carribean?
Answer #4
non of these are the film i am thinking of. but it was City Slickers type of style of film. out in the wildernes.
Answer #5
was it Rat race? it’s a similar movie
Answer #6
City Slickers 2?
Answer #7
City Slickers 2?the legend of curly’s gold?
Answer #8
thanks a lot yes it was City Slickers 2
Answer #9
Fools Gold
Into the Blue ???
Answer #10
I’ve got a feeling it was Rat Race.
Answer #11
City Slickers 2, I knew it !
Answer #12
thanks a lot yes it was City Slickers 2
What’s my prize?
Answer #13
you can download it from
Answer #14
rat race sounds like it


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