System update to play original Xbox games?

August 6th, 2016

I just went to a video game store and ended up purchasing about 15 original Xbox games. Some of them wouldn’t work and I would get a message that there may be an update that might allow me to play those games. Any ideas? Thanks!
Answer #1
well here’s an obvious question? did ya do it? Did you update the console firmware?
Answer #2
I only found 1 update on-line when I was searching on Yahoo.
Answer #3
Only some of the original X-Box games can be played on X-Box 360. I believe if you go to their website, you should find a list somewhere. I do know that before any of the original games can be played, you do need a update. I did it by hooking my x-box up to the internet and opening a free account with x-box live. If you don’t have access to the internet, find I friend who does, and take your box over there long enough to download the update. Downloading with a pc I guess is possible, never have done that. Buying that many games, did the sales person know that you were going to use them on a 360? I would think they should have known which one’s work and which ones don’t!! Good Luck!!


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