Xbox 360 update that allows me to play original Xbox games?

August 3rd, 2016

Is there an Xbox 360 update that will allow me to play original Xbox games? I tried playing Beyond Good and Evil and I get a message that says there may be an update that can allow me to play the game on the Xbox 360. I am unable to connect my Xbox 360 online so I was wondering if anybody knows where I can find the update if there is one available. If there is an update then I can save it on a USB drive and then proceed to install it from said device. Thanks!
Answer #1
Do you have a Jtag xbox 360? If your using unmodded xbox then you can download the update from
Plug your USB flash drive into a USB port on your computer.
Download the update file.
Click Save to save the console update .zip file on your computer.
Unzip the file. If you are using Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7, double-click the .zip file to unzip it.
Copy the contents of the .zip file to the root directory of your USB flash drive (for example, E:\). Do not copy the contents to another folder on the USB flash drive (for example, E:\Files).
Unplug the USB flash drive from your computer.
Plug the flash drive into a USB port on your Xbox 360 console.
Restart the console.
When the console restarts, the installation program starts automatically. Select Yes when you are prompted to update the new console software.
Answer #2
This file won’t damage or corrupt my game saves? A while back I came across a list of original Xbox games that work on the Xbox 360 (that was updated back in 2007). Does this update play all original Xbox games or just certain ones?
Answer #3
To play latest games you must update your console. The update will allow you to play all the games released till now. I had to download update to run call of duty ghosts cause my console was not up to date.


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