sound problem, only after closing certain games :D !

January 29th, 2020

yo yo, how u doin all -m8`z hope ur all fine heres the thing … this happens ONLY after pressing Quit from the following games:
– The Lord of the rings Conquest.
– Gears of War.
when i play those games and have fun, all done .. whether i press alt + F4 or quit to windows or whatever, the game quits but theres no windows sound or in winamp or whatever player i run .. i get that weird error, bad sound driver o.O plz re-install !!!
when i restart my pc, it all get fixed ! but if i played one of those 2 games, and quit after, the sound problem occurs again … so i restart again ! DUHHHHH LOL !
any one got a fix for that ? would be really nice .. i did some search and found out that this prob isnt mine only, but couldnt reach the way its fixed with … so help needed fellaz .. ur da men or ladies xD it depends :p
waitinggggggggggggggggggggggg !
p.s. dont mind the way i wrote this, didnt sleep for 2 days O.O lawl my head is kinda light atm ^_^ !

Answer #1
Have you tried actually reinstalling the sound driver as suggested by the error message…?
Answer #2
well nop i didnt, cauze the sound is working just fine TILL the moment i close one of the 2 games listed above !
and im pretty sure the sound driver is correctly installed, otherwise i will have hard time getting any sound at the 1st place, right ?
so i guess im gonna need another solution !
Answer #3
hey guys, dont forget about me !! i need an answer for this ..


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