[SOLVED]How do i burn games?

January 23rd, 2020

1.Also Can you put games that I dl from wbb onto a disc. Like when i dl DVD Rips i can put onto a disc and put that CD into my dvd and watch the movie can i do the same thing with a game and what kind of CD would i need if that is possible.
Also ull see weird answers i originally had two question the first one was answered

Answer #1
1) create a autorun.ini file with a intro program
2)Yes but you need a DVD burner for games
Now please sort your questions in a list so it’s easier to read, I hard to read your post 3 times to understand it
Answer #2
whats an autrun.ini file and an intro program
and i have a DVD burner what program should i use and what type of CD(CD+R, DVD+R?)
Answer #3

AlienInvasion wrote: Select all

whats an autrun.ini file and an intro program
and i have a DVD burner what program should i use and what type of CD(CD+R, DVD+R?)
Use this to create a autorun.ini, it’s basically a file that tells the computer to start a program on loading the CD/DVD
An intro program is just a program that has the “buttons” or anything you want in it. It’s mostly used as a menu/index for the files in the CD search around for program makers or code on yourself.
I found something for you
and you have to use a DVD+R if you have a big game like anything above 700 mb anything below use a CD+R. Nero is a good program for burning
Answer #4
thanks and about the Game burning. what kind of blank CDs should i buy. and what program is a good on for burning games onto a CD. also do i need to convert it into any other format, from the original format that downloaded it as.
So theres no other format it playable the format i dl it in?
Answer #5
can u elaborate
Answer #6
If the game you have download is in an iso or other type of image file, then it will include auto running stuff and everything that is needed…You just have to burn it to any blank CD (or DVD if it originally a DVD game) using the ‘burn image to disk” options in Alcohol120% or Nero…
Answer #7
thanks man! thanks a lot.
Answer #8
You need a DVD Burner and I think IMGBurn works with games, however, I’d go with Alcohol or Nero.