[SOLVED]BOOTMGR is missing (Need Help)

July 26th, 2016

From Yesterday I tried 4 Times Install Win 10. I have Win 7 Key And i tried to update Win 10. I did Like That
1st Install Win 7 and activated
2nd Download Win 10 From MS site. Mount That ISO copy All Files And Folder Into Pendrive. 3rd Run Setup Win 10 and Win 10 Activated installed Fine. But When I tried to Restart or Reopen PC Showing Image
I tried to Change 1st Boot Device. But Still showing samething, But When i Put Windows 7 Dvd into DVDrom Boot Working fine And Windows 10 Open. So Please help how to fix that error ?

Answer #1
hey leader I maybe wrong with this but I think that error means u don’t have any os on your computer at the minute or somewhow it got deleted when trying to upgrade to windows 10
have tried installing win7 again?
Answer #2
You should be able to do a repair using your Windows 10 stick, I should think.
Some more stuff using the commando prompt..
Assuming that the stick has not become corrupted.
Maybe, in that case, your 7 boot disk could do the repair just with using those command prompt entries..
Answer #3
Command prompt Not work, now trying Repair method
Answer #4
is right. Yesterday i deleted some weird partitions (later I learned that they were for boot) and my pc didnt boot. I have applied the commands in s post and fixed the problem.
Answer #5
Open the command prompt with the Windows installation disc(press shift+f10) and type
bcdboot c:\Windows /l en-us /f ALL
You can change the en-us part with your preferred locales. /f specifies for all type of system(EFI with gpt or the old bios).
I used c:\ but it can be a different drive. Use the command prompt to know which is the correct letter using cd and dir. cd to change directories and dir to list the content: for example we type cd D:\ and then dir and we check if there is a Windows folder or files that you recognize being part of the installation you need. Once you found it you can run this command and 99% of the time will fix the bootmanager issue. If you still have the problem we can recreate the boot sector with the command in the link. First try the just mentioned solution and in case it doesn’t work I will guide you through using bootsect.
Answer #6
Thanks for help Guys Really appreciated , This Problem From My SSD and HDD master Slave configuration. changed configured reinstall OS and its working fine now.


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