[Solved] CPU Overclock

January 22nd, 2020

Hello guys, hope you’re all well.
Can anybody guide me on how to overclock my CPU?
I was watching few posts and videos via google but I find it risky and I don’t understand them properly.
I got this MOBO: N68C-S UCC
And CPU: AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core 4200+ 2.21GHz

Answer #1
Just find a generic tutorial by googling, tons of them around, OCing IS risky by definition, first run a stress test with your current config and check temps etc. You have a good mobo for this, you shouldn’t encounter los of problems.
Answer #2
Trying, but I find difficulties during the measurements.
Do I also need to get a better cooler?
Answer #3
For overclocking is highly suggested to have a good cooler. Temperature will go up a lot…
Answer #4
Add up the cost of the damage to a CPU (or worse) add the cost of a “Better Cooler”
Don’t OC
Buy a better CPU instead. Its cheaper than the alternative. Unless you can afford the risk of course.
I had a go a month or so back, I will admit its fun but I wouldn’t leave it like that. No point, I’d just upgrade and not risk it.
This was with the following;
Corsair 32GB (4x8GB) 1866MHz
Silverstone 1500w
Noctua NH-D14 CPU Cooler
You really need to find enthusiasts that use the same board. I asked questions in ASUS forums to learn.
Answer #5
Okay so I bumped it up by 20% and attached a big fan to the case, I guess that will do the job lol.
I need it for gaming, CS:Global Offensive mostly.
Strange thing though, before attaching the FAN to my PC I got FPS drops, but afterwards I didn’t get them anymore, just only I got a lot of ping at times. And last question, is it possible that OC-ing can raise ping?
Idk what’s happening lol
Thank you for your effort guys.
Answer #6
Overclocking the CPU for a non CPU intensive game won’t give you any benefit…
Answer #7
Trying, but I find difficulties during the measurements.
Do I also need to get a better cooler?

What difficulties do you have and which measurements are you doing and what are you trying to accomplish?
Answer #8
Well before starting to OC, in tutorials that I was looking there were voltages, mhz stuff and whatnot.
But in my BIOS it was a lot easier, my MOBO actually has an option where u can select a percentage of OC-ing from 5 to 40% and it optimizes by itself.
Thank you guys
Answer #9
Okay so I bumped it up by 20% and attached a big fan to the case, I guess that will do the job lol.
I need it for gaming, CS:Global Offensive mostly.
Strange thing though, before attaching the FAN to my PC I got FPS drops, but afterwards I didn't get them anymore, just only I got a lot of ping at times. And last question, is it possible that OC-ing can raise ping?
Idk what's happening lol
Thank you for your effort guys.

Case cooling and cpu/grahics card cooling are two totally different things. Global offensive is hardly graphics or system intensive. Maybe upgrade your graphics card rather than overclock.


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