Skyrim razer install problem (decryption key)
August 5th, 2013
“Error unpacking! Make sure you are using the correct decryption key”.
On the net many people are getting this same error but I have not seen anyone with a solution yet and the problem is they post in a torrent thread or a weird comment system and their issue gets flooded with all the other issues people are having. I was hoping making a thread would make things easier.
Any ideas how to fix this? I would appreciate it. Thank you!
Use phoenix instead of razor installer
I just burned it. Maybe i can not use it later? I have black box installed, but downloaded Razor as back up. I have not tried it.
Ok guys thanks, I’ll try phoenix and report back.
Ok it seems like this issue arrises from corruption. I believe when i transferred the file to my external drive it got corrupted because it happened with 2 other games i transferred to the same drive (not the same error but corruption errors when trying to install it after transferring it). So basically I downloaded a fresh copy and the game worked perfectly fine on desktop.
If any of you get this error its because the download got corrupted.
1st Burn into the DVD then try it. (where u first download.)
So no phoenix installer needed?
I dont know anything about it.
Dawe80 replied: So no phoenix installer needed?
I dont know anything about it.
Phonix installer needed steam version. no need Razor or scene release, cause they made own installer.