Skyrim brought copy on two PC’s

November 21st, 2013

Hi guys so I am going to buy Skyrim in the morrning, (pre-orderd)
BUT I was just wondering if there is a way that I can put the copy on two computers. Like one PC not using Steam, or somthing like that?
Any ideas? in other words can two people play Skyrim with only on Copy of the game? The one PC use a crack or somthing?
Any help would be great!

Answer #1
As i know – yes you can – my friend play this way…..You mean this:
On one PC original game with steam acc – on another PC game with crack…..
To be sure disable internet on PC where the cracked game will be….
Answer #2
Yes that’s what I mean so it’s doable?
How? So without downloading skyrim? I can use the real copy for both PC?
But how do I get around steam for the other pc?
Thanks for the reply!
Answer #3
You will need the steam fix.
Something along the lines of Steam.API file in which you would past into your designated folder.
I suggest going to Awesome’s thread to download Skyrim and obtain the fix there.


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