should i delete this files

August 5th, 2016

one of them is in local settings there is application data
do i need that.
and in the c drive there are some folders with random names like 3cbfb3ff389cd4b261bb9019d6

do i need those

Answer #1
I have two of thoose
I dont know what to do with them
Answer #2
same do we even need them
or r they just random temp files
Answer #3
“Folders name with random characters appear after installing a Service Pack or hotfix?
The following folders are created when you install a Service Pack for Windows XP (SP1, SP1a or SP2): %systemroot%\Servicepackfiles %systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$ Folder name that contains random characters, for example,
Servicepackfiles : This folder contains files that are required when you add or remove optional Windows components. This folder is also used by Windows File Protection (WFP) to replace damaged or changed protected system files. IMPORTANT: Do not delete this folder.
$NtServicePackUninstall$ : When you install the service pack and choose to archive the files you need to remove the service pack, Windows automatically creates a backup. This is a backup of the files and settings that the service pack installer changes, and which are saved in the %systemroot%\$NTServicepackUninstall$ folder. You can use the contents of this folder to return your computer to its previous state. If you delete this folder, you cannot remove the service pack. If you are sure that you will not want to remove the service pack, you can safely delete this folder. If you delete the %systemroot%\$NtServicePackUninstall$ folder, the option to remove the service pack still appears in the Add or Remove Programs tool in Control Panel. When you try to remove the service pack, you may receive an error message. IMPORTANT: Do not delete this folder unless you are sure that you will not want to remove the Service Pack in the future.
Windows XP Service Pack Installation Temporary Files Folder : Folder name with random characters. This folder is not required after you install the service pack, and you can safely delete this folder. When you install Windows XP SP1, SP1a or SP2, this temporary folder is created on the volume that has the most free space. The folder name contains random characters, and is not always created on the same volume as the Windows folder. For example, this temporary folder may have the following random names:
or similar.
This folder is automatically deleted by Windows XP after you install the service pack. However, if the folder is not automatically deleted by Windows XP, you can safely delete this folder. In most cases, you will receive an Access denied message while accessing or deleting this folder. First, you’ll need to Take Ownership of the folder and then delete it safely.”
It could also be viral in nature..
Answer #4
so i should delete it
and is there a possibility that the folder is for something important
Answer #5
i wouldnt delete it if you dont know what it is lol…they could be important down the road for ya some day maybe
Answer #6
Those are just temporary update folders. Just delete them. If they are locked, get Unlocker and then you can delete them. I always remove them when I find them.
Answer #7
ok if u guys r sure
Answer #8
yeah we are sure. If it is an os file it will auto restore. If it is a virus/trojan/etc it will do the same. Do a check.
Answer #9
ok they didnt restore ty


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