see only the folder in the taskbar – WinXp

July 25th, 2016

i recently installed winxp,and i have a taskbar it seems to see all the destination folder..i want to make it to see only the NAME OF THE FOLDER..example:
D:\Downloads\Music\Metal\Lamb Of God Discography\Live\Live R.A.R.
to make it:
Live R.A.R.
can i do this?
thanks in advance and sory for my bad english

Answer #1
Open Up “My Computer” Or “My Documents”.
Then Go To “Tools” > “Folder Options” > “View” Tab.
Uncheck The “Display the full path in the title bar” Option And Hit “Apply”.
Hit “OK” To Close The Window.
Now The Folder’s Name Should Only Appear.

Answer #2
no friend,i do it and it continues..
* edit:
my false,work fine!
thanks for the tip ma friend
Answer #3
no friend,i do it and it continues..
Dude, Works Fine For Me!
EDIT: I’m Glad I Could Help You!


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