Searching for comparable MOBO to ASUS M4A785-M

January 31st, 2020

looking for a comparable MOBO to ASUS M4A785-M integrated 4 Core/HDMI/Optical Sound. Something more recent and 8.1 compatible. ASUS seems to have excellent support so ASUS would be a first choice but certainly open to suggestions. I already have an extra 4 core which fits the ASUS M4A785-M Socket. I paid under 100 bucks at Amazon or TigerDirect, so similar price and source a plus.
Does not need to be optimus prime. Used almost exclusively for home video entertainment to flat screen and home theater 7.1 audio.
suggestions/personal experience/ideas greatly useful.

Answer #1
Here is an ASUS which has has onboard video, sound and whatever and would probably do all you need..
Answer #2
thanks .
Edit: precisely! i’m on it.


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