Problem with files not fully downloading

August 7th, 2016

This has been happening a bit over the last while and its really annoying when I download a file that’s 600mb for example when its fully downloaded it only has 515mb. I just download the files individually with google chrome I am downloading files from uploaded the files are not corrupt because if I try them a second time or sometimes even a 3rd time they eventually fully download but I don’t have the patience to download the same file 3 times since most of the stuff I download is DVDrs with anything from 23 – 40 links each. Is it something that can happen if you download too many files at the same time or what? I can’t use J downloader I have tried many times to use the program but I can never get it working So please can someone help me
Answer #1
Really odd! Have you tried reinstalling Chrome? Try another browser to see if the problem is with Chrome or if it’s something else
I’d recommend that you try and use JDownloader for your downloads, it’s really useful. What kind of error/problem do you encounter that’s stopping you from using JD?
Answer #2
Try using IDM. Are you sure it’s not a virus. I used to use a different downloader and it would download the file completely, but when trying to play, it would just stop at random points. And i think was because it was infected.
Answer #3
I think your connection is being timed out. Try connecting the cable directly to your pc and download and make sure the internet is not being used elsewhere or on other devices. If it still dosen’t solve the problem, contact your ISP.
EDIT: and yea, download one file at a time with just 1 connection if you have low bandwidth internet plan.
Answer #4
Really odd! Have you tried reinstalling Chrome? Try another browser to see if the problem is with Chrome or if it's something else
I'd recommend that you try and use JDownloader for your downloads, it's really useful. What kind of error/problem do you encounter that's stopping you from using JD?

I will try another browser but I had this problem before and it use to happen with all the browsers.
When I use J downloader I put in my host details rs, Uploaded account name and password and the files never start downloading no matter how long I wait. Try using IDM. Are you sure it's not a virus. I used to use a different downloader and it would download the file completely, but when trying to play, it would just stop at random points. And i think was because it was infected.
No it’s not a virus I have been downloading a few different things over the last couple of days and it seems to be happening with everything. I think your connection is being timed out. Try connecting the cable directly to your pc and download and make sure the internet is not being used elsewhere or on other devices. If it still dosen't solve the problem, contact your ISP.
EDIT: and yea, download one file at a time with just 1 connection if you have low bandwidth internet plan.

I can’t really do that because the modem is down stairs in the kitchen and my laptop is kept all the way upstairs in my bedroom. Thanks for all the replys.
Answer #5
Really odd! Have you tried reinstalling Chrome? Try another browser to see if the problem is with Chrome or if it's something else
I'd recommend that you try and use JDownloader for your downloads, it's really useful. What kind of error/problem do you encounter that's stopping you from using JD?

I will try another browser but I had this problem before and it use to happen with all the browsers.
When I use J downloader I put in my host details rs, Uploaded account name and password and the files never start downloading no matter how long I wait.

Ensure that your login details are correct. You could also try using JDownloader 2
Answer #6
They always are I check them over and over again and still the program won’t download files.
Answer #7
Are you sure your copy of jdownloader works properly. Maybe try another copy of it.
Answer #8
Yeah I downloaded a few different versions of it over the last year and I had the same problem every time.
Answer #9
I’m not sure if it’s a similar problem that i read about, i think it’s in the official host topic, but someone said their files would just stop downloading at say 90 odd percent. Someone suggested it was their anti virus causing the problem. But i can’t tell you on what page i read it or how long ago i read it.
Answer #10
I take it that you are getting this problem whichever host you download from?
Answer #11
At the moment I am only using uploaded and that’s what I am getting the problem with but last January I had the same problem with filesonic and fileserve.
Answer #12
So it could actually be a problem with the host, or with your routing to it.
It might be worth a try experimentally to see if you get better success with other hosts.
You won’t need to subscribe of course, try some downloads as free user.
You’re only testing so it doesn’t matter if it’s slow.
You could try downloading from some different hosts and let Jdownloader work on it overnight.
Answer #13
Having this problem once again it’s driving me insane over the last week I have downloading some DVD box sets using uploaded one in every 20 files was not fully downloading now tonight I have had to download one file six times in order to get it to fully download it’s ridiculous I am going to end up throwing my Laptop out the window please somebody help.
I cannot use Jdownloader I have tried many times the program will not work for me.
I tried using IDM but it downloads the link as webpage instead of rar file.
Please someone help.
I have tried different hosts but seems to happen randomly so just testing them isn’t really going to tell me anything.
Answer #14
you could also try torrents as i read you download DVD Box set etc…torrents for big files is easier as they dont have too many links and it downloads by pieces and its resumable….
try searching for the same files on or
Answer #15
I have used torrents before I don’t like cause most of good sites you have to keep ratios on which is impossible because people with seed boxs jump on everything.
And it’s far too easy to get a virus from sites like Pirate bay via torrents thanks anyway.
Answer #16
Your problem is caused by multiple connections per download , This stuff is handled exceptionally by Download managers you could always use JDownloader as suggested by many people above (Mipony,Flashget,IDM etc ) or u could use Downthemall which is a awesome download manager integrated in firefox.
PS-Throw Chrome away it SUXX !!!
Answer #17
I already tried J downloader the program will not work for me neither will IDM.
Answer #18
I had this problem once too, it turned out to be a conflict between AVG free and Agnitum Firewall. There is a fix available if you are using them. If you are using other system protection you can usually switch them off and try the downloads then.
Answer #19
To me it sounds like it could be a connection problem like mentioned above, why don’t you try (just to test) to move your laptop to the kitchen and try downloading a file over night via a ethernet cable, and see if that works. If it does then that way at least you could eliminate other problems such as your browser/viruses
Answer #20
I had this problem once too, it turned out to be a conflict between AVG free and Agnitum Firewall. There is a fix available if you are using them. If you are using other system protection you can usually switch them off and try the downloads then.
I don’t use AVG I have a Mac with windows and Lion OS on it, the problem keeps happening with both operating systems. To me it sounds like it could be a connection problem like mentioned above, why don't you try (just to test) to move your laptop to the kitchen and try downloading a file over night via a ethernet cable, and see if that works. If it does then that way at least you could eliminate other problems such as your browser/viruses
It just happens randomly like tonight I could download 12 different files and it might not happen once then tomorrow it could happen with the first file I download so I don’t think that will really tell me anything. So still looking for a solution to this headache of a problem.
Answer #21
I had this problem once too, it turned out to be a conflict between AVG free and Agnitum Firewall. There is a fix available if you are using them. If you are using other system protection you can usually switch them off and try the downloads then.
I don't use AVG I have a Mac with windows and Lion OS on it, the problem keeps happening with both operating systems. To me it sounds like it could be a connection problem like mentioned above, why don't you try (just to test) to move your laptop to the kitchen and try downloading a file over night via a ethernet cable, and see if that works. If it does then that way at least you could eliminate other problems such as your browser/viruses
It just happens randomly like tonight I could download 12 different files and it might not happen once then tomorrow it could happen with the first file I download so I don't think that will really tell me anything. So still looking for a solution to this headache of a problem.

Does not mean that it is not caused by interference, but down to you mate, maybe just contact your ISP or something
Answer #22
I’ve had this problem before as well. Couldn’t figure it out at all, initially I thought it was chrome related but in the end I ended up re-installing my OS onto a newer hard drive, after which everything was peachy. Of course, reinstalling the OS could have removed malware or corrected the issue some other way so it was really a last resort kinda thing, your not the only one though, couple of google threads with plenty of people experiencing the same issue. Opera at leasts gives you the option to resume the download if it stops unlike chrome, but of course you may end up with a corrupted file.
Answer #23
I am just going to have to stop downloading because the problem is getting worse now it’s only one in every 5 files that fully download and downloads are now taking nearly four times as long as did this time last week it’s so frustrating a week or two ago I could download 5 – 6 DVDrs a day which is about 20gb now I can just about download one dvdr a days which is about 4gb I can’t take having to download the same files over and over again.
Answer #24
Have you monitored your HD writes? Check the error rate and the likes, save to a different drive? Just throwing ideas at you!
Answer #25
do you use any kind of gateway or proxy server or internet connection sharing ? Many of these secure gateways have filters for http ftp etc and installing antivirus which also has these features will result in this.
Another thing that can cause this even if you don’t have a secure gateway is if you install two security programs with http and other filters on the same pc. For example installing a firewall which also does application layer filtering and then installing a different antivirus or endpoint security that also has application layer filters.
Id start by uninstalling every security program and firewall you have.
Answer #26
Just forget uploaded! And rapidgator!
They tend to break up downloads. Many switching to uploaded, which is extremely suspicious, because its not a good host, and many downloads are infected, and I dont mean the actual file, they infect the page somehow.


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