FlashGet only downloading 17 KB files

August 4th, 2016

Hi, having some trouble with FlashGet. Trying to DL Dead Space but it seems to only want to DL 17 KB files instead of the actual files. What should I do?
Answer #1
which host? Free user or premium?
Answer #2
Log into RS using Internet Explorer. Make sure the direct download option is enabled in the premium options.
BTW only works if you have premium. If you don’t have an account then forget it
Answer #3
Figured it out, thanks
Answer #4

^|^ wrote: Select all

Log into RS using Internet Explorer. Make sure the direct download option is enabled in the premium options.
BTW only works if you have premium. If you don’t have an account then forget it
LOL he never mentioned it as RS but its true but how you are sure?? LOL
Answer #5
17KB is the file size for the error HTML pages you get from RS (usually)