possible to combine two mp3’s into one?

January 25th, 2020

i downloaded a stand up and its 60 some minutes…but its cut into 2 mp3s is it possible to combine the two mp3’s into one??? any help thanks
Answer #1
First hit on a Google search.
Answer #2
First hit on a Google search.

i tried mp3tag but i couldnt figure it out…bu thanks for the link
Answer #3
Okay if u want 2 mp3’s together, get the free program called “Audacity”. Then once youve downloaded it (dont download the latest version, download the one before the latest) google “lame_enc.dll” then download that. Next on audacity go: project>import audio. Select your song then do the same again. You will then have 2 mp3’s on the same audio project. Then go File> export to mp3. Then name it and all that, then it will want u to find lame_enc.dll. Find it where you downloaded it (remember to extract it). And then there you go


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