Paypal underage..

January 27th, 2020

So i’m 17 and I have a Paypal account without creditcard. I bought a RSaccount and now Paypal is saying I’ve commited fraud. On my account, which I made years ago, I haven’t put my real name and adress. Paypal says I’m supposed to add creditcard, that I can’t do. What should I do? My RSaccount is now blocked.
Thnx in advance

Answer #1
It would be better to contact Paypal, instead of asking for help here.
Answer #2
you shouldnt rly give fake name and adress.. this isnt a porno sign up..
Answer #3
i signed up to paypal when i was 16 or 17 and it was fine i just added a bank acount to my account. the fraud u committed was lying about ya address etc. u should of just put ya real details in
Answer #4
i signed up to paypal when i was 16 or 17 and it was fine i just added a bank acount to my account. the fraud u committed was lying about ya address etc. u should of just put ya real details in
same here i put my real details in and have had rapidshare for over a year now got some time before i turn 18 or get someone older and pay them off
Answer #5
I know I “should have” put my real details in. But back when I made the account I was 13, I didn’t need to use it. I was just curious.
And now when I needed to use it, and wanted to make an account, it said the emailadres was already taken and I found out that I already had an account.
So I used it. AND GOT RIPPED OFF!!
Answer #6

Pitbulll wrote: Select all

I know I “should have” put my real details in. But back when I made the account I was 13, I didn’t need to use it. I was just curious.
And now when I needed to use it, and wanted to make an account, it said the emailadres was already taken and I found out that I already had an account.
So I used it. AND GOT RIPPED OFF!!
Tell the people at paypal your story? Not much you can do I’m afraid…