not sure if my “pc hardware” is about to die!

August 6th, 2016

it’s a long story so please bare with me! I had an Intel CPU with a Z97 G55 SLI motherboard. the CPU was damaged and the motherboard was knackered.
looked around and saw reviews, I couldn’t afford a new Intel 4790k (which was my last) so I went on the cheaper side and got an AMD FX-8350 with a MSI 970 gaming motherboard.
here’s where my problems begin….
say I’m at everything stock, I run a stress test (amd overdrive, OCCT, prime95, aida64) all fail with an “error” saying that there is possible hardware failure.
I thought my HDD’s were causing it because I knew 1 of them had bad sectors. I removed all the SATA connections apart from my SSD and tried again, same thing.
when I run prime95 with everything at stock, nothing changed; I get a “crash” and instant restart.
when I am overclocked, it does the same thing; I keep getting errors telling me that my hardware is failing.
I know it’s not the best CPU out there and it’s not the best motherboard but what am I doing wrong????
right now everything is at stock, including my fan speed.
please note; I have tried “memtest” to see if my RAM was causing issues and it’s passed with flying colors!
what’s my next move??

Answer #1
Can you post the detailed log of the tests with the temperatures?
Answer #2
Did you try a fresh OS installation?
The problem that was bugging me about overclocking over the years is if you can’t get it stable, your OS will start to kill itself.
So that got me out of the serious overclocking game.
Answer #3
is your ssd ocz ? ocz have incompatibility issues with some software. for example mine , causes bsod when scanned with some anti-rootkit. besides, you only problem is getting bad results from some benchmarking software ? if you dont have any problem with daily usage , i suggest you to let it go that results until something starts to prevent your routine work.
Answer #4
Check your SSD for errors, My Computer (This PC or whatever), right click on the drive, select properties, click Tools tab and click Check box under Error checking and run the scan.
Answer #5
: that’s the funny part, I can’t see my “temps” anywhere, according to my speccy, I am hitting 7c idle and 30c when stressing. HWMonitor only says I have 1 core. coretemp etc won’t show my CPU temps.
even when I’m not overclocked, I am getting errors saying hardware failure with 4 different pieces of software!
: yep tried a fresh installation of my OS, same thing.
: nah it’s a MX100 128gb.
: yep tried that and it found NO errors.
I’m lost.
Answer #6
I’m starting to wonder if some of the pins on the chip have got bent, AMD chips are quite delicate and the pins can bend when seating it on the mobo, it doesn’t take much as if the chip isn’t perfectly positioned any pressure like adding the cooler will cause them to bend, they can be straightened out carefully with a credit card slotted into the grooves and bending it carefully to straighten them (take your time doing this) if required. Also check BIOS that all cores are operational as you can set the number of cores that can be used.
Answer #7
Go to a computer shop or a friend, swap motherboards – test, swap CPU’s – test. You get the idea. Pinpoint the hardware issue.


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