Nintendo DS R4 cards

August 6th, 2016

well as most of you know R4 cards are now illegal in the uk, great…
anyone know any decent, legit websites that i can purchase some off?
edit – sorry, wrong section! still, can anyone help me?

Answer #1
Spam removed -

Answer #2
Answer #3
Moved from Link Heaven to Helpdesk.
Answer #4
Try eBay
Answer #5
try getting an acekard 2i they work about a million times better.
Answer #6
, they’re not on ebay anymore :/
i’ve heard good things about an acekard, but i have no idea where i could safely buy one from. keeping in mind, there aren’t many UK based sites that do them now!
Answer #7
well as most of you know R4 cards are now illegal in the uk, great..
are you serious?? did this happen recently??
Answer #8
You wouldn’t buy R4’s anymore these days, there are other flash carts that are way better than that old piece of crap.
Answer #9
Mates can anyone tell me which is the BEST card for the DSi and from where to buy it pls? First i was going to buy the R4i … now i read this thread and got confused again.
thanks for any help
Answer #10
Ebay ^^
Answer #11
none on ebay. Bought the acekard 2i from a website.
Answer #12
try this one.
Answer #13
The Best Site Is and its 100% is www.price
and they are dirt cheap the r4 ds is only 3$, it comes from Hong Kong yep i said as your thinking Hong Kong but no its spot on posting is free it took a week to get to me in Ireland i tried it and it worked 100% i have now sent off for a card for DS I XL
just go to the site on the box R4 DS Box Hope i was of some help & before i get ticked off for not posting the web site the proper way i don’t know How?????
Answer #14
Try eBay
ebay doesnt sell flash cards of any kind
and for the record they are petty much illegal everywhere
Answer #15
You could try these online shops
Just a few that i can think of
i can still get r4 cards here in Scotland


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