Network question

August 28th, 2013

How many host can be connected to internet with 5mb connection?
Answer #1
Not a lot that’s for sure. That’s slow.
Answer #2
how many?
Answer #3
ur question doesnt make alot of sense. you can connect as many hosts as you like but your connection will be slow.
Answer #4
its depends on alot of things
Type of connection (ADSL-SDSL-HSDSL)
u need that for a company / home / shop ,etc
your usage time is 24h or its peak times only ?
Answer #5
you can have upto 254 connected devices (depending on the DHCP settings of the router) but obviously your connection is devided between every node on the network!
Answer #6
1 connection = 5mb
2 = 2 and a half mb connection and so on
if ur connection 254 connections u mite wanna upgrade ur line


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