Need Someone with really really quick internet :D

October 16th, 2023

Hey guys, is there anyone who has exceedingly quick internet who is willing to help me?! Basically, I am trying to get a battlefield bad company 2 beta key, and there is only one website left who has keys remaining, but they are only releasing them in stages, at certain times, and as my internet is absolutely awful (200kbps download speed if im lucky ) the website NEVER loads for me when people are signing up for keys, so I can never get one.
Please please pleaseee can someone help me, it will only take 2 minutes!! The website is – and they are releasing more keys at 15:00 CET (or for me, being in the UK, at 14:00). All you have to do is register at the bottom of the page and they will send you a key.
Please remember that ALL links must be coded, including, but not limited to, e-mail addresses, passwords, and internal links. Coded for you this time.

Answer #1
What console is this for? Because I think the demo has been released on Xbox Live and the PS Store now.


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