Need some vBulletin help here

August 5th, 2016

just 3 things i need help with.
i finally managed to get v 4.0.7 installed and running.everything is working rthe way i want it to. now i just need some help with stuff.
On the top it says “Forum” and “whats new” How do I add more to it???
also how do i get rid of the whats new tab?
second thing is how to I enhance the user profile of members.i need it to say gender and age and what ever else i put in for them to fill out.
Lastly,i need a good search system for members.My site is a dating site and phpBB is failing me badly even though I managaed to get it to where it is today.
please help!!!

Answer #1
oh i am very new to vBulletin,I have it installed locally on xampp
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